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 Patience Moadm character distinct climatic Patience Moadm character distinct climatic and multi-

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

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مُساهمةموضوع: Patience Moadm character distinct climatic Patience Moadm character distinct climatic and multi-   Patience Moadm character distinct climatic                                  Patience Moadm character distinct climatic and multi- Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2014 6:48 am

Patience Moadm character distinct climatic
Patience Moadm character distinct climatic and multi-

Where there are many historical landmarks made famous in Yemen and abroad especially happy cave collector and the people of the cave which is within the district that strives to reach in their projects and to come into being through the development of what is found with the introduction of the new. Vsber Moadm has the collector and the cave people of the cave and there are the bride's head and other sites calling for investment and life. That was the newspaper October 14 views with their flags in local councils who know what happened to the evolution of it? And what will happen, where we talked with full transparency and to you the substance of what was said: - Directorates at the highest level of tourist Col. Abdul Bari, Mohammed Abdul Waris Mahmoudi, Director General of the Directorate and the head of the local council which occur saying: blessed month every year and everyone is fine and thank the newspaper October 14 for the opportunity to talk about Directorate patience Moadm is the first Directorate sprawling and has a population of up to (120,000) people and consists of (14) isolation and two circles Niabaten and (26) local district represented by (26), a member of the local council, currently the new council, which was elected in the local elections and presidential elections in 2006 of them (18) as a new member and the rest of the former members have begun the local council working in the Directorate of patience from the outset of the election and especially we we took action before this election only two months and therefore there was harmony and unification of visions and ideas between members of the local council-elect and president of the local council of the most important plans and ideas that could revive the Directorate, service and tourism as the Directorate of patience Moadm of the most important departments of tourism, which was of special interest to the leadership of the province represented by brother Judge / Ahmed Abdullah stone former governor of the province where he was giving much attention to this Directorate manner characteristic of the climate, especially in the mountain patience, which is a multi-climates to rise about (3200) above sea level. Tourist sites, multiple and therefore it was determined seven tourist sites over the mountain these sites has followed up by the former governor, and we started the implementation of the most important tourist sites, namely afforestation through patience within the rehabilitation of Mount patience tourism and environmentally This project will add beauty to the region and will work on the tourist attraction has been completed This project also included the council's plan for the year for the year 2008 to complete the second phase of the project and then the renovation project of the mosque and the cave people of the cave, which would be a tourist site religiously to the directorate general, mosque is located in the city of Almakab which brought from the bride, which oversees the highest peak in the mountain of patience and this gives a sort of recreation of this Shrine, which will repaired in collaboration with the Office of ignition and the Office of Religious Endowments as not to compromise nature of the archaeological and the Islamic and so as to maintain it by specialists and in addition to slit the road leading to the mosque and reach (170 meters) and this road will facilitate going to the mosque smoothly and as will also be put signs and fencing the cemetery of the mosque so as to maintain the sanctity of the dead that the rehabilitation of this religious shrine that is mentioned in the Koran accident (people of the cave) will represent a sort of tourist attraction for investors who identified them tourist sites before this mosque which is up six sites in the sense that it will not be the area dead as they are by now, but will the attractions of this mosque on the configuration of the presence of tourists to this region and therefore the region will be active, and this attracts investors to invest in these sites that Mrs. Mubarak site de Marin and Mount photophobia and Mkhozv breaker also sites that are located in the bride, who was will be linked to the so-called project Altrvek Tourism, which had begun to be implemented and announced earlier when he was attending a conference Arab and foreign investors here in Taiz in 20.07.2006 AD and generally develop a plan within the tourism activity insert in the budget next item regarding the construction of the positions on the line of Mount patience of these positions will include the establishment of parking for the presence of severe congestion of cars in the summer leads to suffocation way and therefore has to be solutions to this problem and to mount in general regarding the establishment of these positions in addition to the establishment of the buildings is a bathroom for Women and Men will also be a service for visitors who need them during their visit and also some Alibovaat and quality restaurants high-end tourism services and there are a number of procedures carried out by the local council, including follow-up cleaning and maintenance of public order and public morals has already put Council's efforts in the dimensions of posters of writings that were on the walls randomly and painted Balranj white and put some paintings on the road and the paintings are for guiding public . There are many sites enjoy the scenery tourist and this mountain is not the mountain, the only one who is considered one of the tourist areas, there are many sites enjoyed by the Directorate of patience Moadm such as the fog and tourism project that is created from Qublahd investors and this project has been the completion of 40% of it is in five stages and cost limits billion and three hundred million of this will be among the parks that will be an outlet for the children of the Directorate and the preservation and arrivals in general in addition to many tourist sites, which extended along the lounge Razi, which is currently implemented Ktusah and asphalting the guidance of His Excellency the President of the Republic / Ali Abdullah Saleh may God preserve him, and a number of sites tourism, but we are asking for we are currently the Council to work hard to implement the plan next with respect to tourism and development projects, the other in addition to that we ask of all stakeholders, especially the press and the media be directed toward tourism and promoted as one of the tributaries of strengthening the revenue of a district or a resource that starved Directorate and thus will result in the implementation of a number of service projects in the coming years. For the budget in general, the projects implemented by the Directorate projects are carried out by the local council, which will depend on what has been collected of the revenue in the range Directorate projects are central and which are executed either by the local council of the directorate and the central ministries or donors with foreign funding which many services from all areas such as roads, health, education, water and electricity, and there is currently no isolation in the Directorate only reached connecting services, especially roads, but we need to paving roads and rugged survey lasting, especially during rainfall has been the Council's work on the rehabilitation of two bulldozers earlier, which was out of Readiness or Off fully and will be run through next year, God willing, where has been monitoring the budget total for the operation of the equipment will be tributary to the survey line the roads permanently even be the title of the citizen in the delivery of entering and leaving the city or in the delivery of food generally means Stnevs on the passenger and ease the burden on him, especially in the cost of transportation and so forth. Multiple projects there are many other projects, the most important settlement building Directorate as observed currently qualifying and it was received poorly very Vtm restored and also landed in the plan Grandma settlement process and then add some accessories offline until it is to get on the floor to accommodate the new building which will be built centralized complexes government Olney has been completed implementation in the province of Taiz in nine districts have been Directorate of patience within the districts targeted, but the lack of terrestrial and Gllagha and requires to be at the center of the Directorate was unable to former council to get on the floor and, God willing we will work hard to get ground or find the right solution or to buy ground or donate them we will by all means for the existence of the ground for the construction of the government complex, which will absorb all executive agencies will be in one place, making it easier to work as a team and thus control both in terms of attendance, career or facilitate the treatment of the citizens or the follow-up projects, etc. that. The project to improve the road, which is currently under the leadership of Sheikh new conservative / Sadiq Amin Abu Ras, the governor of the province head of the local council will have a big role in the completion stages of the project and promote it for the better and there is a light touch of the Secretary-General / Mohamed Ahmed al-Haj. But the country is headed toward agriculture and access to self-sufficiency and implementation of the program of the President, the local council in the province put the priorities of interests related to the implementation of projects of interest to take advantage of existing water projects and run what is tripped them in addition to doing the implementation barriers and ponds at the level of the Directorate fact that patience Moadm considered directorates, which was based on the barriers and ponds, according to the statement which indicate that the number of ponds and barriers water number of days of the year, which was an old feed the city of Taiz and neighboring areas across Runnels extended to these cities made of Alqdad which still features so far, indicating that the sons of patience Moadm may alerted earlier to the importance of water conservation through those Barrak to take advantage of rain water that made the Directorate of patience Moadm of the most important districts that pervaded the types of fruits and fruit different sung by the poets was supply the Taiz many of the fruits, which dried up recently for many reasons, the most important migrations permanent to the city and the injury Many of the trees Bbgd diseases and lack of rainfall and no patience in Moadm trees and rare medical Mrajia in certain places. Way paved Amin Mohamed fixed the Secretary-General of the Local Council spoke, saying: Mount patience in the past was a way bumpy and difficult to reach a peak and now no road unpaved and paved and easy projects now enjoyed by Moatunaion existed before it was delivering food is difficult was when delivering food to top of the mountain was by Asnasir extended to peak (the elevator), an area Tabat to the summit of Mount bride and the reason the absence of the road to get there, and now the way to the top of the mountain. This way facilitated Dawning and down and life rebounded again in Mount patience road from my point of view is finished so great is the lifeline and now in the second plan for the local council will be the delivery of the road from the bride to the path of upholstery Aldmanh's generation patience needed to many outlets, especially outlets asphalt, there is a project Sarari Almsrakh This part of the project to connect the pavers Almsrakh and Mount patience. Formerly called by the Imam for Mount patience eastern region now implemented a project in the village of Ibar Palace Hall to Dimna Khadder As previously called by the Imam and was inhabited hands Sfieltaatha The schools there are in every village primary school and secondary previously been found in the eastern region and one school only in the lounge Now, in every village there is a school of insulation. The Health there are for our health unit, but from my point of view in this aspect there is a shortage in some villages there are now in isolation and only requires to be in every village or the minimum in every three or four villages and the health unit and there we have a dispensary bride and now qualified to be a Hospital Revilla on the basis of serving several of the insulation near a upholstery and Sarari and the crossbar and Almakab and other insulation has served the local council on a proposal to be a rural hospital, God willing, will be in the near future. Resorts on the way to the summit of patience there are many, many what has been achieved for the Mount (patience) or the Directorate of patience Moadm aspect of tourism exists we have on the basis of the implementation of the improvement of methods of patience, which will be implemented in phases the first phase of the payment to directorate building and Dolak until we reach the summit of Mount patience Resorts small for For many of the resorts we have resort Sheikh Zayed big project and it needs to power significant operational greeted to companies HSA and now frequented by many visitors on the basis of investment and why the delivery of the company because he sat period without running after his investment occurred leap to Mount patience. Famous for casting Moadm agriculture seal the mountain is grown beans, lentils and garlic in villages Almakab and Terre deep and other villages or east patience grows corn and millet, India and the West, and The Fog They agricultural area cultivated the land, mango and many fruits The electricity in the Directorate of patience Moadm covered most of the villages and isolate Directorate There are some villages within the project (Kbah Edenic) and the rest of us carried out several villages remained three or four of the isolates and works now and where we stayed the internal network for high pressure and is now waiting for materials from Sanaa. Water (Almakab) project is ready to run water Almakab project is ready to run the project (Ibar Tobahah) is also ready to run has dug Albert and pipes stretched out and the pumping chamber was built and finished it in the last month on the basis of the pump dismissed from the Dutch support and project Adenium is ready to run, for the collector people of the cave in Almakab building is deteriorating and is now found in the Council a comprehensive plan to restore this mosque being built in the past and archaeological and also collector cave people mentioned in the Koran Some of them say in Jordan, Syria, and the owners of Yemen say here these legends Twarthnaha generations ago Re restored and fenced cemetery with paving the street leading up to it about (170 meters) Most people do not know that the people of the cave collector and this work will be identifiable by the plates so that comes tourist sees these paintings realizes that religious shrine here for the people of the cave and to the side so it is a tourist place attracts tourists interested in antiquities and ancient civilizations. Mount patience Mount historic Abdel Raouf Ahmed Azzani chairman of the planning and development of the local council spoke, saying: patience Moadm for their children is the sustenance and life Mount patience Mount historical and overlooks the city of Taiz and rises from the sea at about 3200 meters frequented by many visitors, both sons of the Republic or maintain or outside Yemen and we hope that shows the appearance of the most beautiful and better than it is now and we hope the political leadership to look at Mount patience being the outlet for the city of Taiz and the first steps began through the streets of them by the patience of the bride and by Razi, lounge and probably now will descend on the plan by the bride and Dimna Khadder be circular on the level of the Directorate and no roads at the level of (14) isolation. 85 School number of existing schools in the district (85) School Miscellaneous (4) for girls only and the remaining mixed and there are approximately (2000), a teacher and a school and there are modules integrated health number (10) and health units with a rural hospital and one hospital bride who is lacking a cadre urgent need him It is the President's program and directed staff hiring is exceptionally healthy and, God willing us to share up to the Directorate. Promise now plan exceptional and call us an exceptional year because resources are scarce in the district and we have no markets that attract resources and we met with the leadership of the province and the local council and this will be the year for us year investment through the rehabilitation of the mosque people of the cave and promote it in the media and attention Balsuah through the construction of pools and parks in the Mount patience and will be an outlet for families and are making efforts and, God willing benefit from the Directorate of investment programs are not a service plan as it is concerned with the will of its administrative services for this and if we find Aazzna revenues cover the expenses of the Directorate of Agriculture Few affected the resources and scarce rainfall. Patience tourist area overlooking the Taiz Mohammed Hazza Ali Hussein, head of the Social Affairs Committee of the local council, said: patience tourist area overlooking Taiz, a haven for tourism in the county and outlet and a kiss of visitors to this province dreamy there are many monuments such as the mosque people of the cave, which is the ancient mosque The Old and tourist attraction. They are proud of the patience of agriculture in many fruits, cereals and khat, but the scarcity of rain has affected them negatively Valmdaria need to establish barriers and ponds to feed the agricultural land.
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