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» جبل صبر ... عالم من السحر والغموض
صبر برس | saber press Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:20 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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» صفحات من التاريخ المنسي .. الطاغية ورعية الجبل
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» أين يقع جبل صبر
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» الجزائــر اكثـر دولة العالم انتشاراً للسرقة
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»  جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
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» جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
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» جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
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جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
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المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز 1
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز 1
المهاجل الشعبية اليمنية والاهازيج وزوامل والتراث اليمني
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي محافظة تعز اليمن
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جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
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أهل الكهف..في جبل صبر
جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز
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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

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مُساهمةموضوع: صبر برس | saber press   صبر برس | saber press Emptyالخميس سبتمبر 25, 2014 3:20 pm

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

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مُساهمةموضوع: taiz province, the third most important provinces of the Republic of Yemen and cultural capital   صبر برس | saber press Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 19, 2014 7:43 am

taiz province, the third most important provinces of the Republic of Yemen and cultural capital.

Located in the southwestern part of the Republic south of the capital Sanaa,

located about 256 km between latitudes 14-12 north of the equator and longitudes 45-43 Situated medium and the soil fertile and scenic

natural impressive.

smallest area legislator and Hdnan

Taiz province bordered on the north province of Ibb and part of Hodeidah It is south pilgrimage from the east province of Dali and part of the province of Lahej either from the west

, it overlooks the Red Sea and has an area of 96 318 square kilometers and represents a ratio of 1.87% of the area of the Republic of Yemen and include 23 Directorate

and 234 isolates and 2,200 village and 14000 locality and 39 circle parliamentary and 488 local district and the largest district area Mokha The smallest legislator and Hdnan and has a

population of 2,393,404 breezes growth rate of 2.47% per annum and represents the population of the province accounted for 12.2% of the total population at the level of the republic

, according to the results of the general census of population, housing and establishments for the year 2004 and represents a rural population of 82% and the urban population is 18% of the population of the province who

working in agriculture, trade, industry and fishing in the administrative work of government the largest districts in terms of population it is the Directorate of

condolence with a population (198 169) people density of 341 square kilometers and the smallest Directorate of Bab el Mandeb and has a population of

18 115 inhabitants density of 12 square kilometers.
divided city to the three districts

of the provincial capital city of Taiz and its commercial center, cultural and estimated area of about 45 square kilometers and a population of up to 472.777 people,

representing 21% of the population of the province, according to the administrative division, which is divided into three districts are triumphant, Cairo, and a lounge.

diverse climate

characterized Taiz climate varied depending on the terrain in parts of the mountainous highlands dominated by a cool climate mild winter in summer while parts

low Vmnachha mild winters and warm to hot relatively in the summer, and the western parts of the province Vmnachha coastal desert warm

winters, hot summers and the average temperature in the province up to 21 degrees Celsius.

divided terrain preservation into three sections, there is a large chain of highlands interspersed with many valleys and plains

and bottoms, as well as vast areas of coastline overlooking the Red Sea and contains Taiz province, many of the mountainous

ranges height between 1000 - 3200 meters above sea level Among the most important and most famous of these highlands Mount patience of a mountain pyramidal Gratina era

trio is located south of the city, the second-highest mountains rise in Yemen as it has a height of about 3200 meters and in some sources 3070 meters from the

sea level rises from the city of about 1,500 meters and enters Mount patience within the southern regions of the highest peak where a summit of Mount bride that

the fort bride abound in Mount patience eyes and springs a severe fertility and graciously varieties of fruits.

while Jabal Habashi is Mount straight located on the western side of Mount patience and separated by a valley fog has been known Jabal Habashi old as Mount asset,

and Mount hear a mountain pyramid is located south of Mount patience, and the Mount of Jerusalem Munif a mountain pyramid is located south of the listener and there are a series of mountain heights and located this

series in the southern province of Taiz, overlooking the territory of the province of Lahej and heights ranging between 2000 - 3000 meters above sea level .
the Mount Asalo is located southeast of the city of Taiz and the fort and castle Damlah famous mountains Allowazeip which is located on the western side of the province of Taiz

rises about 1000 - 1500 meters above sea level and the mountains Sharhab and Mount Mqubnp located in the northwest of the province of Taiz and rises

about 2,000 meters on the level of the surface Sea.


and Taiz where there are many valleys of agricultural and most famous Valley Palm at the Directorate of Sharhab peace and Wadi Change figures and Wadi Rcan and Wadi Alberh in

Directorate Mqubnp and Wadi supplier Directorate distributor and the Valley and Razan in the Directorate of dung Khadder and valley fog separates Jabal Habashi and Mount patience and Wadi

volcanic Alamaafr and Wadi net Dba in Achammatin and Wadi Al Ghayl in Allowazeip beaches Taiz stretches coastline of Bab el Mandeb in the south

to the shores of the king and Zharri north.

Taiz recorded historically through different stages boom a number of cities, some dating to the periods of Yemeni history old and were Taiz city

's oldest city, followed by City Juba and had been mentioned in the inscriptions Almsndbh ancient Yemeni There are many archaeological evidence and Nakecah which indicates

that the city's settlement of urban trace its roots back to before the birth.

Taiz civilization

and inscriptions engraved Qtabani back to the second century BC, in addition to many of the monuments and ancient remains discovered in the fort «football»

is located in the city.

either city «Juba» It is a city ancient archaeological located west of Mount patience and specifically in the Directorate Almsrakh has been mentioned in ancient inscriptions on behalf of Juba

, one of the kingdoms of Yemen, which appeared on the theater of ancient history, and the famous ancient trade and industry and described Hamdani in his book «recipe

Arabian Peninsula »as Orhan Alamaafr in the gap between Mount patience and Mount asset« Jabal Habashi »and its way in the valley fog and predicted capacity which Dalal Alkrndy

among its completion to donkeys younger.

With the advent of the Islamic countries independent in Yemen from the center of the Abbasid Caliphate began the city of Taiz take a role in the advancement of a city task when FCS

northern Mount patience where came Ayyubid to Yemen during the period from 626-569 AH 1173-1229 AD and then of the state apostolic in 653 AH

has seen the city during the reign of the state apostolic the discharge culturally significant and sophisticated administrative and spread culture and built schools and constructed forts

and castles and walls and palaces.

has appeared Taiz city of that name, according to historical sources in the late sixth century Islamic twelfth century, and specifically with the arrival of Turan

Shah Ayoubi to Yemen 569 e, but the city of Taiz existed before it evidence that the Turan Shah arranged the princes heart as making In Mdnita

Zabid and Aden, and his brother Seif al-Dawla «Tatekin Ben Ayoub» rebuilt the fortress it was stated book «mirror what counts in the preferred mount patience» that Taiz is the castle

of red which today is called the «Cairo» But what is called today the city of Taiz included by the fence where the collector Muzaffar was called Adania.

(23) Directorate

is divided Taiz province administratively into three twenty Directorate is the Directorate Muzaffar and Cairo, lounge and condolence and Achammatin and Asalo and Mokha and Almsrakh

and Alamaafr and Moasit and Allowazeip and Jabal Habashi and Hivan wa Khadder and Mandeb and hear and Sharhab peace and Rownah and patience Moadm and Maoist and legislator and Hdnan

and Mqubnp and distributor.

characterized province Taiz many tourism potentials which qualify because occupies a privileged position within the provinces of the Republic owns scenery

beautiful and the atmosphere pleasant moderate and valleys and mountains and plains green and versatile environmentally vegetarian.

as there is in maintaining a large number of historical monuments with the physical character outstanding castles and forts and monuments in addition to the availability of

shrines and mosques and Islamic schools appropriate for religious tourism is booming as live Taiz province economically developed and commercially and residential

newly available where the elements of a modern flourishing tourist movement and works to attract tourists, there are many tourist hotels classified as

eligible to receive the totals tourist that provide services in a civilized distinguished guests as well as travel agencies and tourism deployed in

the city and a network of transportation covering all parts of the city together and connecting the city with all the other provinces, as well as shows selling antiques

, gifts, handicrafts and folk costumes, parks and tourist restaurants, seeded and popular markets and technology of modern communications.

constituents scientific tourism

also has elements of scientific tourism, cultural and tourism conferences Vtaz known for being the cultural capital of Yemen is witnessing throughout the year,

the movement of cultural, scientific and diverse in its activities and cultural activities as it possesses cultural institutions equipped with the latest tools and technical equipment

which is positioned to attract cultural events and scientific conferences, major and perhaps the most important Al-Saeed Foundation for Science and Culture.

crafts and handicrafts is one of the most important elements of tourist attractions in the province as infested many of these traditional industries

inherited since ancient times, including the «jewelery industry and traditional silver and textiles handicrafts, leather and pottery

and stone industry mats of palm trees ».

enjoys Taiz great wealth of folk art taken by citizens and the media expressing their lives and their livelihoods and their joys, sorrows

and aspirations and dreams in Manaspthm vary the diversity and multiplicity of regions and districts and each department has its own character with dances, songs, games

and popular fashion.

popular markets

are characterized Taiz many popular markets that are held weekly in a number of areas of the province and meet the needs of the citizens of goods

and purchases represent these markets carnivals weekly reflect the lifestyle of the norm and is considered one of tourist attractions in the province is the most important

markets: market Aelchenana held in Taiz on Sunday and Thursday of each week and is located on the road that connects the gates of the old city and the door of Moses

(the big door) and this market has a textiles and fabrics imported jewelry Silver and al-Janabi, daggers, swords, utensils

, crockery, spices and perfumes, and market fog will be held on Sunday of each week on the banks of the valley fog southern city of Taiz, just kilometers

few of them contains this market on a range of local products and the market for cattle of all kinds.

, as well as market Alncma in the Directorate of Moasit held On Tuesday of each week, and the market Dimna Khadder held at the Directorate of dung Khadder on Tuesday

and Wednesday of each week and market Wednesday in the city of soil and is held on Wednesday of each week in this city and market Ammi held at the Directorate of

Hivan on Saturday of each week and market distributor is held in the Directorate of distributor on Sunday of each week and market Ahjdh on Tuesday of every week and market Maoist

on Sunday every week and market Almsrakh on Thursday of each week and market Lifers in Jabal Habashi held on Friday of each week and the market Alberh held

at the Directorate of Mqubnp on Thursday of each week and shop and roaming in the markets and streets of the city especially fun where you can find models of all products

of agricultural fresh fruits and vegetables displayed in the markets and the like handicrafts and traditional in private markets such as

Aelchenana and Central and sentence.

in popular markets in Taiz discover the authenticity of the flavor of condolence emitted odors popular dishes and types of clothing traditional and composed songs

rural there at the entrance to the old souk lined girls on small chairs of wood in front of them dishes of palm leaf full of the types of

bread and Allhouh and Almiloj and unleavened bread Kunafa In the middle of the market spread gigs manual that sells types of candy, such as Basbousa baklava

and Croix and meatballs and the other sells delicious drinks such as barley and raisins Almenka, hibiscus, lemon and others.

As fashion shops popular Vchbh largely clothes coastal Mizar Polarizer (indigent) and the towel and T-shirt and usually have sleeves

busts and Ghuttra which are usually placed on the shoulders instead of the head while costumes women it may character authentic beautiful and start from the top Mgarm long

wraps half of the head and the other half covers the chest and then dress (Alzenh) and be long to mid-calf and designed in a way suitable highlights the beauty of the body,

and pants condolence Vsrwal «hisbah» distinctive character provides the trouble of searching for the origin of women Almertdah her ​​as the woman who wears calculation is

certainly of Taiz.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

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مُساهمةموضوع: patience and majestic castle doors and Altsah..shahud on its historical significance: the city of Taiz .. rich cultural heritage and archeological tourist landmarks   صبر برس | saber press Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 19, 2014 7:46 am

Zkienos, a Aadina, Gap, unguarded, the city suspended between the stars and dreamy .. names for the city of Taiz collector Companion Maaz bin Jabal in the city of the soldiers the most important monuments of Islamic Yemen's
Taiz province is the cultural capital of Yemen, has compiled a history of pioneering cultural, scientific and commercial. Located Taiz province to the south of the capital Sanaa, and away from about 256 kilometers, and occupies the first place in terms of population in the Republic, as it constitutes a population accounted for (21.2%) of the population of the republic, and the number of directorates (23) Directorate. preparation: Ahmed mountain and characterized Taiz diversity of economic activity; where implants where some agricultural crops such as grain, vegetables, and fruits, as well as wealth Alehioanahusid fish in the coast city of Mokha, as well as the practice of industrial activity, where there is in the province of many industrial facilities, including: a cement plant Alberh and some industries food. And includes the territory of the province of some minerals of the most important copper, nickel, cobalt and a set of elements platinum ..oma tourist attraction in the province of Taiz are many and varied, including collector soldiers historic built Sahaabi Maazbn Mount order of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and Qlahalqahirh schools and archaeological Kalmzvria and Ashrafieh and Almattabah. , and the city of Taiz - the provincial capital - rich heritage of civilization and its landmarks tourist archaeological terms of the mosques and the doors and neighborhoods ancient castle historical overlooking the city, and Mount patience guard her. said that the city of Taiz old Mbenahaly ruins and above City Spih old found at a depth of twelve meters and was known as the City «y Kienos« and it also has many names, including a Adenh and Gap unguarded Taiz city's outstanding interstellar dreamy. stones says poetry says a Mutaimin city of Taiz and the nature and effects of historical: Bakdomk the discretion you three conditions of her, lying at the foot of Mount patience or leaning Emerge on the mountain forearm them with all humility and reverence, he or she preferred to be low with him for adapted humans to live with it more The availability of shelter and cuddling warm each coming and resident. deems willowy Kalkelmh good, enveloped in the breeze from the valley fog and even the volcanic heart of flapped between the knot curbs lungs, hear her sobs when the magic of the minarets Muzaffar and Ashrafieh Vttgob with sunlight coming from HAWBAN to damage the city to the world the truth and reveal the cover for the beauty hid a curtain of night, the scene is repeated daily between washing into the sea at night on the balcony of Bab el Mandeb and buy Phil from Alberh and Ahjdh and capped the morning dress transparent shows all her charms, Fteraha shy Kaeros provide them with valley fog so aromas which permeates came to her and every lock of her hair. , and that tread the city until no longer about you and share the place, and characterize your feeling like you've found look no further than, and scramble your soul on Douhhmn sensations do not know I have ever seen, frequency in Too Deep suit the love in my heart, and faces up your pen to underscore fresher Astgfarath, and provide you with the city of Cyrenaica heart and Lin hearts, questions bunched and Thar in reply, and Ikhtalk feeling you're captivated by the city's streets and alleys and Tarejeha, or the city was going in the course of my blood, and whether these meanders streets or meanders my veins and Ordta, I really Are influenced delusions and surprising place Astazt of Satan rather than praise Rahman, I lose you place the fact itself is no longer known to have're visiting or counterfeiter? The stones do not speak it in Taiz says poetry. most prominent landmarks Mount patience is the most prominent features of the city of Taiz, which gives the city beautiful and elegant and surrounded by the Southern and Eastern Among the most prominent features Castle Cairo, Directorate of stone and is one of the largest departments of the city of Taiz dreamy, it is divided for several areas including «Almsrakh, Almaaverh, the sons of Joseph, Bani Hammad, Benghazi ... etc.« The inhabited by many tribes known and most famous Almaaverh «of Tamim« and Mzhj and others, and the Turks in that era inhabited and made ​​from the soil Castle redoubt, because Guha queer and cool the earth, agricultural on the slopes of the mountains were their park and Castle rule the hippocampus, and is the tribe «Bani Hammad« tribes that have a long history and is one of the months tribes scattered in the Gulf states are said to Bani Hammad belong to the tribe of Tamim. rising up Mount patience overlooking the city to about (3070 meters) above sea level, and rises from the city of Taiz, about (1500 meters) exceeded the city's beautiful to her beauty, especially in the moonlit nights. enters Mount patience topography within the areas of the Central Highlands and the South and is a milestone Tdharysaa important and oversees the southern regions of the highest peak which is the summit of Mount bride .. is a mountain on tine of the Tertiary, rocks very rich Balmktvat all types and where the metal «halite« and Ores, in addition to the volcanic rocks including quartz, and Monznat. reminded him of San Yemen «Hamdani «In his book« adjective «as an impenetrable fortress, one of the mountains truss of Alamaafr and inhabited insisted broke, and Alskaskk, and the wells, a king of the southern mountains, and he calls« son of the adjacent «as Mount Rounded many good things, fruit and timber, where many villages and forts with four walks, one plank , and Birdad, and Atdan, and Juba. During the Islamic era was to mount patience Ohmahastratejah of the defense, where received his references in historical sources, in the period Sulayhid state was Prince «As'ad ibn Abi Fotouh ibn al-Walid Humairi« is serving as the Mount patience, and Fort Taiz until ( 514 AH) and later took over the affairs of Mount patience and Fort Taiz. contain Directorates Taiz Remains from ancient times to pronounce the name of countries that came to what is known as the Republic of Yemen recently. Perhaps the most important monuments of Islamic Yemen mosque companion forbid yen a mountain in the city of soldiers. Castle Cairo Castle Cairo on the northern slopes of Mount patience, which is based on a high rock overlooking the city, and said that this is the area where the fort is originally Taiz old and was named after it b «Cairo« .. while remembering some accounts it was called Fort Taiz, after the Ottoman occupation of Yemen released the name of Taiz city came to be the rule of the Imam cleanser bin Sharaf al-Din and changed the name of the castle to castle Cairo. Returning to the historical references to the castle to find that what provides for This castle is confined in a range of patterns and a number of archaeological evidence that has been found in the castle and a number of sites nearby, the evidence includes statues of pottery and marble and censers dating back to the era Alqtabanih, and massacres of limestone and remnants of stone inscriptions in bold Missned and other Aramaic-Semitism dating back to the tenth century BC, in addition to some inscriptions which he stated King Corp. each chord, in the third century AD, also found cloves of garnet ring carries a cluster of grapes and the inscription is in the main door of the castle, consisting of six characters Hur, of which four letters in Arabic calligraphy and the other two letters what Izala intact letter Aramaic. All this evidence and historical data back to the history of the castle pre-Islam. modern history that is still far from the castle Cairo until the Sulayhid state before the end of the third decade of the fifth century, specifically in the Islamic 439-532h, corresponding to 1045-1138 when Bader Sultan Abdullah Bin Mohammed Sulayhi brother King -almass- building castle Cairo, and acknowledged that the Venerable Ahmed bin Ali Sulayhi when he took the fort, and then came his brother Abul Fotouh ibn al-Walid Humairi to assume the leadership of the fort as a site of great importance. accompanied by settlement and residential communities for those with interests in the foothills of the fort of various quarters, to become the seat of the kings of the fort who built a number of limitations to their homes and their families, and sometimes some castle buildings represent prisons for opponents of the governor. Thus, and in line with the movement of the construction boom witnessed by the city during the era Sulayhid and then the Ayyubid era eras and apostolic Tahria. fortress and hard to play prominent roles in the genesis and construction of the city of Taiz even the beginnings of the apostolic era. If a head start in building a fortress of Sultan Abdullah Muhammad Sulayhi, it was precession also Oaobien in the construction of the city when he arrived at Sun State Turan Shah's brother Nasser Saladin to Yemen the year 569 AH corresponding to 1173 AD and as the capital of his kingdom, but he was soon left after three years to replace place his brother Seif al-Islam Tgtekin who initiated construction of the first schools in Taiz was then transition the city finally to brown messenger in 626 AH, so that the King Muzaffar Yusuf ibn Umar footsteps of his first step in taking the capital of a state that reached the Izz prosperity and the strength of its authority to extend its influence to the land of Hijaz .. It was described by historians and travelers as Castle a great and beautiful castles Yemen have tall towers verse in the beauty and strength, including Ibn Battuta and Sapphire Hamwi and Edward Fbcoda and Captain Dutch Petroman and others a lot of travelers and ancient historians. Hanging Gardens consists Castle Cairo of two parts: the first is called «Adenium «and includes hanging gardens on the terraces constructed in the mountain slope and a water dam and basins carved and constructed in one of the interfaces of the mountain, as well as the palaces strewn throughout the hotel is surrounded by towers and parks. In this section there are four palaces are: Dar literature. House tree. Courthouse. Dar emirate and the latter was a special king to Palace Hospitality, a special reception guests, in addition to the tunnels that connect palaces abroad tunnels and secret passages. The second part of the castle is called the "zone Moroccanization" and contains a number of shortcomings and guard towers and grain stores and water tanks. The wall of the castle shall be deemed a historical evidence important to the history of the city of Taiz since built an old Includes all neighborhoods of the old city, which is believed to be founded in the reign of Sulayhid state (sixth century Islamic - the second century AD) have been constructed in a manner geometric extremely complex, up to 120 meters and a thickness of four meters containing the units servants and guard rooms are still some survived until today. either castle wall has continued with the ancient wall of Taiz, which has had a four-door Chairperson: the big door, the door of Sheikh Musa, door tide wages, and the door of victory. Above each door tower dedicated to the city guards. Also located under the main gate of the castle from the south zone «pro« It consists of a school built by pro in 702 AH, and the Dome of the small pond and the remnants of Park King pro, was left out of school only «edifice« small, the park there is still enduring more clearly even today. It is noteworthy that the Cairo Citadel has roles of military and political milestones during its long history, and not only that, but they also represent Thfahmmarih rare, including content of the plants varied, as well as its location overlooking the city of Taiz, so I went to attention and spread to the hands of the restoration and development to maintenance and rehabilitation , to receive visitors in its facilities recreational Kalmntzhat, restaurants and waterfalls, Baladavhaly library, theater, museum and other facilities serving the high-end of their visitors, thus becoming a tourist destination wonderful and an outlet unique. gates of the city of Taiz to the city of Taiz several doors of the most famous: the door of the castle, located southeast of the ancient city and leads to Castle Taiz Oqlah old Cairo now. This leads the door into the city through the ports listed some hidden mountain .. then the door of the unit, which is located east of the old city and leads into the old city across the valley madam inside the old city wall .. The door is big north east of the city's old main entrance and the trade of the ancient city. . door Almakhlulh on the north side of the city and it spun metal for the passage of the floods from the inside only .. and the door of Moses and is located northwest of the city which is the entrance to a commercial for the city for those coming from the west and adjacent to small outlet for passing only during the night ..thm door Madager or door Mahariv and is located on the west side of the city in the middle of the city wall Alkadima..opab meteor in the southwestern flank of the city under the castle Alsirajah ..opab liquid Abdul Karim is located under the door of victory in the southern side of the liquid .. and finally the door of victory, a port south's main city of the ancient and it included a formal leads to Mount patience for entry and exit of the sons of patience from him and next to the door of the wall and the valley of love and your out flood water. symbols and traditional industries famous for the province of Taiz many old industries and handicrafts in various fields and inherited generation after generation .. Among the most important of these industries industry ornaments and decorations and conventional weapons like daggers and al-Janabi «daggers« The clothes made ​​of natural leather and crockery diverse forms and sizes and are used for a variety of purposes .. In addition to industry tools harvest of old and traditional industries using fiber and palm leaves for many purposes when housewives in rural areas, which utilized Kvrh hall rooms and Msarv to provide food, is also used by farmers products of these industries Kqavat protect them from the sun's heat and use some of these products specifically for keeping bread. Perhaps the most famous of these industries is the cheese industry, which is characterized by Mhafezhtazan others from other provinces and made ​​from derivatives of dairy, especially of dairy sheep or camels .. and has a market Aelchenana in Tazaly some of these industries, as well as fog and Alncma market and market Ahjdh and Alberh .. The most important centers of handicrafts and traditional stockpiles directorates Mqubnp and hear and breaks down

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

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مُساهمةموضوع: هل اسرة الطيب في اليمن هاشمية ام لا ؟ منتدى جبل صبر   صبر برس | saber press Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 19, 2014 7:50 am

السلام عليكم
نرجو الافادة من المشائخ المتخصصين في الانساب بالنظر الى قضيتي
وصلت الى مرحلة لا يطاق بشأن اصول اسرتنا (الطيب) لأن هناك من يكذبنا و يشككنا بأننا لسنا من ال البيت لانها ليست مذكورة في كتب الانساب و ليس لها ارتباطات اسرية موثقة مع اسر هاشمية اخرى و كل ما اكلمهم عنها لا يردون الا بهمهمة او السكوت,و انا ما اسأل الا لاني اريد الحقيقة كيفما كانت, فأردت التحقيق ولم اقدر فاردت ان اسألكم اصحاب الخبرة فعندي هذا المعلومة و السؤال عن اصول عائلتنا في اليمن و يقولون ان جدنا هوابراهيم محمد ابراهيم العراقي (الملقب الحرازي) وصل والدة من العراق حوالي سنة 765 هجرية +\- و تزوج في مدينة تعز في ايام الدولة الرسولية الافضلية و ولد لة ولده ابراهيم و الملقب برهان الدين و هو جد الاسرة و توفي سنة 866 هجرية .....و لة ذرية كبيرة منتشره في البلاد
اسمة بالكامل على ما هو موجود بالمشجرة عندنا و هو
برهان الدين ابراهيم محمد احمد ابراهيم علي محمود احمد جلال الدين الاصغر زين العابدين العباس جلال الدين الاكبر حسين علي محمد يحيى حامد حازم حسن الزكي (الدبعي) محمد المهدي محمد قاسم موسى عبدالرحمن صالح الاكرم يحيى محمد حسن الجواد محمد التقي علي المرتضى موسى الكاظم جعفر الصادق محمد الباقر زين العابدين علي الحسين علي بن ابي طالب
فنرجو توضيح صحيح هذا النسب و بيان نسبة في المصادر العراقية
و هذا من كتاب
طبقات صلحاء اليمن = تاريخ البريهي
وَمن أهل حَسَنَات الَّتِي يسمونها الحرازية عِنْد مَدِينَة ثعبات الشَّيْخ برهَان الدّين إِبْرَاهِيم بن مُحَمَّد بن إِبْرَاهِيم الْعِرَاقِيّ أخبر بعض تلامذته أَنه انْتقل وَالِده من الْعرَاق إِلَى الْيمن وخدم فِي الدولة الْأَفْضَلِيَّة الغسانية مَعَ الأصبهانية فَتزَوج امْرَأَة قيل إِنَّهَا من بني الْجَعْد وَسكن مَدِينَة ثعبات فولد لَهُ هَذَا الشَّيْخ إِبْرَاهِيم فَتوفي وَالِده وَهُوَ صَغِير فَبَقيَ مَعَ والدته وَكَانَت من الأخيار فربته أحسن تربية فَكَانَ يُجَالس أهل الْخَيْر وَيتَصَدَّق بِمَا مَعَه ثمَّ بعد بُلُوغه سَافر إِلَى مَكَّة المشرفة فحج وخدم الشَّيْخ الصَّالح عفيف الدّين عبد الله المغربي الْمَشْهُور بالبجاوي المنتسب إِلَى الشَّيْخ الرِّفَاعِي فهذبه وَحكمه وَعلمه طَرِيق الصُّوفِيَّة ثمَّ إِن الشَّيْخ إِبْرَاهِيم خرج على قدم التجرد من مَكَّة فَوقف نَحْو سنتَيْن ثمَّ عَاد إِلَيْهَا فَلَمَّا نظره شَيْخه الْمَذْكُور شهد لَهُ بالتمكن وَأَنه قد فتح عَلَيْهِ وَأمره بِالرُّجُوعِ إِلَى بَلَده فَرجع وَمر بِذِي سفال بمَكَان يُسمى الثجة فَأَقَامَ بهَا أَيَّامًا يضع الزنبيل على عُنُقه وَيقبل الصَّدَقَة فَمَا اجْتمع لَهُ تصدق بِهِ على الْفُقَرَاء وَالْمَسَاكِين وَكَانَ يلبس الخشن من الثِّيَاب ويؤثر الخمول وَالْعُزْلَة ثمَّ وصل إِلَى والدته بِمَدِينَة تعز فَأَقَامَ بهَا مُدَّة يزور قُبُور الصَّالِحين وَيعْتَبر بهَا ودأبه ذكر الله تَعَالَى سرا وجهرا ثمَّ نزل مَدِينَة زبيد فَأَقَامَ بهَا يزور الصَّالِحين فِي قُبُورهم واشتهر وقصده النَّاس للزيارة فَأرْسل لَهُ السُّلْطَان الْأَشْرَف ابْن الْأَفْضَل فَلَمَّا مثل بَين يَدَيْهِ سَأَلَهُ الدُّعَاء وَعرض عَلَيْهِ شَيْئا من المَال فَلم يقبله فَلَمَّا توفّي
السُّلْطَان الْأَشْرَف واستقام وَلَده النَّاصِر أحسن إِلَى هَذَا الشَّيْخ إِبْرَاهِيم ووهبه أَرضًا جليلة فَجَلَسَ فِي الأجيناد بمقبرة تعز يُصَلِّي فِي الْمَسْجِد الْمَشْهُور بِمَسْجِد تعز هُنَالك فَأمر السُّلْطَان وجهة موفق بعمارة الْمَسْجِد وَدَار هُنَالك وأسكن بهَا الشَّيْخ إِبْرَاهِيم وجر إِلَيْهِمَا المَاء فَأَقَامَ هُنَالك سِنِين فاشتهر غَايَة الشُّهْرَة وَكَانَ يسير مَعَ السُّلْطَان النَّاصِر إِلَى زبيد وَإِلَى غَيرهَا مكرما مَقْبُول الشَّفَاعَة يدْخل على السُّلْطَان بِغَيْر إِذن فَإِذا خاطبه خاطبه باسمه يَا أَحْمد لَا يزِيد على ذَلِك ثمَّ انْتقل من الأجيناد إِلَى الْمَكَان الْمُسَمّى حَسَنَات عِنْد ثعبات فأعمر هُنَاكَ بُيُوتًا وَسكن هُوَ وَالْأَوْلَاد فِيهَا فَلَمَّا توفّي السُّلْطَان النَّاصِر واستقام الظَّاهِر ثمَّ بعده وَلَده الْأَشْرَف كَانَ مَعَهُمَا فِي حَالَة متوسطة فَلَمَّا توفّي الْأَشْرَف خمل ذكر هَذَا الشَّيْخ وَضعف حَاله وانتزعت الأَرْض الَّتِي كَانَ وَهبهَا لَهُ النَّاصِر وَقل مَا بِيَدِهِ من الدُّنْيَا وشاخ وَنسب إِلَى كَثْرَة الْكَلَام وَإِلَى خلل فِي عقله وَهُوَ مَعَ ذَلِك كثير الذّكر لله وللدعاء إِلَى الله تَعَالَى لمن قَصده زَائِرًا ثمَّ توفّي سنة سِتّ وَسِتِّينَ وثمانمئة وعمره حِينَئِذٍ سِتّ وَتسْعُونَ سنة بِتَقْدِيم التَّاء الْمُثَنَّاة فَوق على السِّين
وَقد حُكيَ عَنهُ كرامات ذكرتها فِي الأَصْل وَله شعر حسن فِي الزّهْد مِنْهُ من قصيدة أَولهَا
(دع التباطر فِيمَا لست تملكه ... واقنع بقوتك يَوْمًا فَهُوَ يكفيكا)
(وخل عَنْك بني الدُّنْيَا وصحبتهم ... فَإِن صحبتهم يَا صَاح ترديكا)
(وآخ فِي الله إخْوَانًا تصان بهم ... عِنْد انتقالك عَن قوم يعادوكا)
(واقنع بمولاك عَن كل الْأَنَام وَلَا ... تسل سواهُ أُنَاسًا فَهُوَ يغنيكا)
(واسأله مَا شِئْت إِن الله ذُو كرم ... وَإِن سَالَتْ سواهُ لَيْسَ يعطيكا)
(واسأله عفوا وغفرانا وعافية ... سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى فَهُوَ باريكا)
(واخضع لمولاك إذعانا لقدرته ... فَهُوَ اللَّطِيف الَّذِي للخير يهديكا)
وَله غير ذَلِك من الشّعْر مِمَّا قد ذكرته فِي الأَصْل وَقد نسب إِلَيْهِ من الشّعْر وَمن الحكايات بِمُقْتَضى مَا تقدم ذكره شَيْء كثير فَلَا نطيل ذكره

و ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم مذكور في صفحة بموقع
صاحب الحضرة والمقام
القطب الرباني
الهيكل الصمداني
السيد علي بن أحمد الرميمة
قدس الله سره
ورفع في الملك والملكوت قدره
و فية هذا الملخص
وما دمنا قد تعرضنا لذكر الشيخ إبراهيم الحرازي فمن الواجب علينا من باب محبتنا له أن نذكر ترجمة موجزة عنه حتى تعم الفائدة لا سيما وهو من أولياء مدينة تعز ومعظم السالكين من الصوفية يتشوقون لمعرفة هذا الولي فنقول: هو الشيخ العارف بالله برهان الدين سيدي إبراهيم بن محمد بن إبراهيم العراقي انتقل والده من العراق إلى اليمن وخدم الدولة الأفضلية الغسانية مع الاصباهية فتزوج امرأة قيل إنها من بني الجعد وسكن ثعبات فولد له هذا الشيخ إبراهيم . . . توفي والده وهو صغير ، فبقي مع والدته ، وكانت من الاخيار ، فربته أحسن تربية ، فكان- وهو صغير- يجالس أهل الخير ويتصدق بما معه ، ثم بعد بلوغه سافر إلى مكة المشرفة فحج وخدم الشيخ الصالح عفيف الدين عبدالله المغربي المشهور بالبجاوي المنتسب إلى الشيخ أحمد الرفاعي فهذبه وحكمه وعلمه طريق الصوفية ، ثم إن الشيخ إبراهيم خرج على قدم التجرد من مكة فوقف نحو سنتين ثم عاد إليها . فلما نظر إليه شيخه المذكور- آنفاً- شهد له بالتمكن وأنه قد فتح عليه وأمره بالرجوع إلى بلده ، فرجع- الشيخ إبراهيم- ومر بذي سفال بمكان يسمى الثجة فأقام بها أياماً يضع الزنبيل على عنقه ويقبل الصدقة فما أجتمع له تصدق به على الفقراء والمساكين ، وكان يلبس الخشن من الثياب ويؤثر الخمول والعزلة... ثم واصل سيره من ذي سفال إلى أن وصل إلى مدينة تعز حيث والدته ، فأقام بها مدة يزور قبور الصالحين ويعتبر بها ودأبه ذكر الله تعالى سراً وجهراً ، ثم نزل مدينة زبيد فأقام بها يزورالصالحين في قبورهم ، واشتهر وقصده الناس للزيارة... ثم عاد إلى مدينة تعز فجلس في الأجينات بمقبرة تعز وذلك بعد أن بنى له الملك الناصر داراً فيها ، فظل الشيخ إبراهيم في الأجينات سنييناً حتى بلغ الغاية في الشهرة ، وكان مقرباً لدى السلطان فقد كان يأخذه أينما ذهب ، ثم انتقل الشيخ إبراهيم من الأجينات إلى حسنات وهي منطقة بجانب ثعبات فأعمر هناك بيوتاً وسكن هو وأولاده فيها ، إلى أن توفي سنة(866)هـ وعمره حينئذٍ ست وتسعون سنة ، وقبره الآن بحسنات عليه تابوت حسن وقبة كبيرة بابها إلى المسجد ، والمسجد يعرف باسمه وله ذرية في تلك المنطقة ، وهو يعد الجد الأكبر للأولياء الذين في جبل صبر كالشيخ عبدالقادر الطيب المقبور في مشرعة ، والشيخ أحمد إبراهيم الطيب المدفون في سيعة ، والشيخ المحيا في ذي البرح والشيخ إبراهيم المعروف بصاحب الشعرة المدفون في قرية العارضة القريبة من رأس قمة جبل صبر وهؤلاء المذكورون كانوا فيما بين القرنين العاشر والحادي عشر ، وأسرة بني الطيب سواء الذين في حسنات أو في سيعة أو في مديرية مشرعة وحدنان كلهم من ذرية سيدي إبراهيم الحرازي ، وكان لهذا الشيخ كرامات ظاهرة سواء في حياته أو بعد مماته بقرون ، و كاتب هذه الأسطر قد شاهد كرامة لهذا الولي بأم عينيه ، وذلك أثناء زيارته لضريحه ، هذا ولقد كان لهذا الولي شعر حسن في الزهد وإليك بعضاً منه
دع التباطر فيما لست تملكه
وخلَّ عنك بني الدنيا وصحبتهم
وآخ في الله إخواناً تصان بهم
واقنع بمولاك عن كل الأنام ولا
واسأله ما شئت إن الله ذو كرم
واسأله عفواً وغفراناً وعافية
واخضع لمولاك اذعاناً لقدرته
واقنع بقوتك يوماً فهو يكفيكا
فإن صحبتهم يا صاح ترديكا
عند انتقالك عن قوم يعادوكا
تسل سواه أناساً فهو يغنيكا
وإن سألت سواه ليس يعطيكا
فهو باريكا
فهو اللطيف الذي للخير يهديكا
نرجوا الافادة بالصراحة الكاملة و جزاكم الله خير
ابن الطيب
ibnaltayeb على لايف.كُم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

صبر برس | saber press Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The owners of the cave the most evidence suggests they were in Mount patience in Yemen    صبر برس | saber press Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 19, 2014 7:51 am

the owners of the cave the most evidence suggests they were in Mount patience in Yemen
The story of the owners of the cave

Still place the cave which contained his story in the Koran the subject of controversy and disagreement between the experts and specialists, some of whom believed that the cave Inscription is located in

Abu Alandah in Amman, Jordan, and multiple novels existence of the cave which housed the boys in Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Palestine, which contains a

mosque, people The cave, which receives tens of thousands of visitors and tourists annually in Mount patience, on the slot of the cave which is believed to reach the cave

mentioned in the Koran, and now does not know the true history of the old building of the mosque. The cave is located in Jordan in Amman Municipality within the boundaries of

the major Rejaib village 4 km east of the Jordanian television building and 1.5 km east of the area of Abu Alanda. Discovered by archaeologist Jordanian companion

Wafa Dajani .aam 1963. Directories: the old name for the site Rejaib is Inscription, which corresponds with what stated in the Qur'an Allah says: (or

calculated that the owners of the cave and the Inscription were of Our Signs screamed) (Cave: 9) and this is likely the probability that the correct location for the owners of the cave by taking

into account the presence of more from a site in the Middle East is believed to be the owners of the cave. Appeared in the cave and eight graves near the door of the cave has been

found on the skull of a dog (only the upper jaw) and was their guard. Evidence found at the site indicate that the owners of the cave (as was the cave is a cave

right), seven of them sponsor, and Thamnhm their dog, and the dog had been buried on the threshold of the door, where he was guarding, not buried in the grave eighth. And eight is

a pipeline which I mentioned in the Koran about the number he says, "they will say three fourth, their dog and say five Sadshm their dog stoning unseen

and say seven Thamnhm their dog Say My Lord knows Badthm what to teach them, but a few do not Tamari them but unquestionable visible and not Tstfti one of them, "Surat

Cave . Another view: Another view was that the mosque people of the cave, "There is at the top of the summit," Mount patience "in the city of Taiz, south of Yemen is one of the most prominent

mosques controversial, and containing many Alosrar.otzhb historical novels to the mosque, which is located in the town " Almakab "on the highest peak

in the mountain patience, which rises three thousand meters above sea level, was built on "the remains of cave people" who mentioned in the Koran, inference substantiated

and stories, though not Qtaah.uesod controversy among historians about where you slept where the people Cave mentioned in the Koran Sura their name, Along

side "of Mount patience" in the city of Taiz, Yemen's multiple novels existence of a "cave" which housed the boys mentioned in the Sura in Turkey or Syria

or Alerdn.oihtoa mosque people of the cave, in Mount patience, the slot cave It is believed to reach the cave mentioned in the Koran. Does not know

the true history of the old building of the mosque, but historians and local residents said that its current form dates back to the era of the apostolic State (strain Muslim

country ruled Yemen since 1229 until 1454 m). Statements made ​​new: The values ​​of the mosque (responsible for him) Abdullah Mohammed Yahya told Anatolia that "all

information about the mosque Ntuarthha of the first two, which is historical information on the researchers verified. "He said some of the repairs that

were conducted for the mosque two decades ago and has distorted his features are Kber.oieih case of negligence large mosque by the competent authorities and the local population

in the region, in addition to the restoration process, which has distorted his features stone houses invaded all spaces surrounding it and is without a breather, according to

Yahya Hristiy.oadhav that "the mosque includes a shrine to the Algerian researcher named" Abdul Rahman Algerian bin Bakr, "came from his own search for the site, which

referred to the Quranic verse in Surah cave ", without explaining Meeqaat for coming to Yemen. According to the values ​​of the mosque, the books in the possession of

historians from the region indicated that the "Algerian" under the tracks sunrise and sunset so make sure that his position in question (the bottom of the mosque) is a

real place for the owners of the cave. While historical novels says that "the owners of the cave," fled from the oppression of the Emperor "Dkienos" ruler of the kingdom

, "Ephesus," the expert noted archaeological Yemen in Taiz, "Izzi reformer" to that of Yemen, "Abu al-Hassan al-Hamdani," pointed out in his book "Island recipe

Arabs "that Ephesus is the" City of the soldiers "currently (21 km northeast of the city of Taiz). He said, "reformer", a former official in the Office of the effects of

Taiz, told Anatolia: "We have historical roots in Yemen demonstrate that the mosque people of the cave due to the position of the people of the cave the fact, that our narrative were not

coming out of the blue, was not to create them as invented by Arab countries in order to attract tourism. " He added that "the people of the cave mosque, skim

and The rooms are rectangular windows, was soon a shrine to religious groups, especially Sufis, which reside trade fairs and special events. " He revealed

reformer that the Turkish commander, "Hussein bin Hassan Pasha" may paving the road to the "collector cave people" during his rule Taiz year 1002 AH,

corresponding to 1593 AD, pointing out that "negligence Pat wraps this archaeological site is rare, and that has to be put to protect him , a gardener and a breather, "he says.

noteworthy that Yemen came under Ottoman rule from 1539 until the year 1911 AH. Bilal said Tayeb, a journalist from the region where there is a

mosque, told Anatolia "Currently the cave, buried, and no one can entry, but novels grandparents say that the chieftains mystical entered it, and they codified

their testimony with him, including the Sufi sheikh famous Abdul Qadir Jilani (1077 - 1166 m). Cave Ephesus in Turkey. Other novels: According to believe

the predominant owners of the cave, who commended them sources of Islamic and Christian, have been subjected to the tyranny of the Roman Emperor Diqianos. In an attempt

of these boys to address the injustice and tyranny Diqianos, warned repeatedly of their people to leave the religion of Allah. But in front of the reluctance of their people, and the intensification of injustice

Emperor and warns him to kill them, leaving the boys homes. Historical records reveal a number of emperors who practiced a policy of persecution and terrorism

and torture in the top right of believers to Christianity. In a letter sent by the Roman governor "Balonius" (690-113 AD); northwestern Anatolia,

to the emperor "Trellanius", he pointed out, "Balonius" to "owners of the Christ" who traumatized for refusing to worship the statue of the emperor. This is a discourse

one important documents that talk about injustice and oppression suffered by the early Christians at the time. Under those circumstances, the refusal of these boys

undergo this infidel regime, and emperor worship God without God (... they said, Lord, Lord of heaven and earth will not call on without him god we have said

if prohibitive * These our people have taken besides Him gods do not come to them with authority between it darkest of those who invents a lie against Allah) (Cave: 14-15). As

for the place in which he lived the owners of the cave, the views are numerous and varied, but the more moderate views of these cities is "Ephesus" and "

Tarsus ". There are caves, cave people in 33 countries around the world, including Jordan, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey alone there are

three places in three different cities (Tarsus and Afshin and Efes) and called the Caves of the whole people of the cave. In any case, the real cave people of the cave is

known for sure, and no historical evidence to indicate the place where he lived cave people specifically.
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