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 Jabel Saber Taiz Yemen

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

Jabel Saber Taiz Yemen Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Jabel Saber Taiz Yemen   Jabel Saber Taiz Yemen Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2014 7:03 am

Jabel Saber Taiz Yemen

At 3070 mete above sea level, Jebel Sabir is second in height only to the Mount ofShauib.It rises from Taiz City to its summit for about 1500 meters, and forms part of the southern highlands. Mankind has lived on this mountain almost since the beginning of time, and inhabited its fenile slopes. It was referred to by Lisan A! Yaman A! Hamadani as the invincible stronghold. In addition, Ibn A! Megawer describes it as a circular mountain with a wealth of fruits and wood, containing several villages and fortresses, and stresses the strategic significance of the mountain throughout histoty. Historical references indicate that Emir Ass'ad bin Abi A! Fotouh A! Hamiari frequented the mountain under the reign of the Salahite state in (514 A.H / 1120). Then the mountain was taken care of by Mansour bin A! Mufadal till his death in (558 AH /1162). The stronghold remained in the hands of the Zarite state till it was overrun by Ayubid Toran Shah, along with other fortresses in the region in (569 A.H / 1173). It was later captured by the Rasulids, and then taken over by the sultans of the Zaheria state till it finally fell, with Taiz City and its surrounding fonresses, into the hands of Oais Pasha during the first Ottoman conquest. Jebel Sabir is now divided into three directorates: the Directorate of Sabir A! Mwadim, the Directorate of Misrakh, and the Directorate of Mashr'a and Handand. Each directorate includes a number of villages -with captivating scenery that soothes the eye. Today, Jebel Sabir has become a tourist destination for all visitors as it has many slopes surrounded by bountiful orchards, bubbling springs, cool wells, a variety of fruits, and interesting houses that .- when seen from the City ofTaiz look like stars sparkling in the sky. Besides, there are religious sites, including the Mosque of the Seven Sleepers in the village of Mo'qab, the Mosque ofSha'ara in A! Arda Village below A! Aroos Citadel, the rocky tombs in A! Mihraq Village, and the mineral water in the spa of A! Marazih Modern p have also been created on Jebel Sabir with impressive tourist services. This includes the Sheikh Zayed Park and other parks that offer panoramic
and enthralling views of Taiz City @JabelSaberTaiz

Mount patience is divided into three directorates are Directorate Moadm patience, and Almsrakh Directorate, and the Directorate of legislator and Hdnan
The Mount patience the second highest mountain in Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula after the Prophet Shuaib, with a height of (3070 m) above sea level, and a height from the city of Taiz to the top in Fort Bride (1500 m), and falls within the Southern Highlands, a mountain was settled by man since time immemorial and Omar runways with fertile soil, has been mentioned for the San Yemen Hamdani as an impenetrable fortress, and dub son next door as Mount Rounded many good things, fruit and timber, where many villages, forts, also has a strategic importance throughout history, recalling the historical sources that Prince Asad ibn Abi Fotouh bin Newborn Humairi was continually upon during the rule of the state Sulayhid (514 AH / 1120), and took over after the affairs of Mount patience Mansour bin preferred that died (558 AH / 1162 AD), and remains the fort in the hands of the kings of State Alzerieih to be seized upon balance Shah Ayoubi with several forts other in the region, and this year (569/1173 m), then dominated by Alrcolion after them Atahirah Sultans of State, and in the Ottoman conquest ALWIL Yemen seized Laois Pasha on the city of Taiz and the surrounding forts including Mount patience. -anksm Mount patience today to three directorates: the Directorate Moadm patience, and Mdariaalmsrakh, and the Directorate of legislator and Hdnan, and includes all directors, a number of villages with picturesque natural Almanadhar gone viewers. Directorate legislator and Hdnan. Located within the central part of the province of Taiz. o boundaries: north: the city of Taiz south: east Mdariaalmsrakh: Directorate Sbermoadm West: Directorate Sbermoadm. o Area: 14.8 km 2 o Population: 24.708 inhabitants o Alkthafahalscaneh: 1.67 / km 2 administrative division consists administratively (Azlten only two (legislator) and (Hdnan) and two 19 villages and 79 locality .. villages isolated Hdnan (11 villages +43 misplaced) and villages (Zanaqb find Zanaqb ward Aden Dima Nmh Akoshar Hdnan Ahadjv Alachani Mihal Hdnan gibbus) .alqry isolation legislator (8 villages +36 misplaced) and villages are (legislator Mihal legislator find wide open valley facet Alsnahv Almsalih Almgeran permitting) and is considered isolation Hdnan more populous (12.441) people, and the largest area (8 km 2 ) according to the 2004 census M..vfaha (10 villages +25 locality) .. While isolation legislator (8 villages +28 locality) .. - Centre Directorate is located in Sana legislator and Hdnan .. o sites and shrines of archaeological, historical and tourist: Excellence Directorate Situated on the northern part of Mount patience and overlooking the city of Taiz .. therefore considered Directorate outlet for many of the residents of Taiz and visitors to the province .. Also, some parts of the Directorate poised to establish many of the properties have outstanding .. of the most important shrines known as Mazar (the good). o economic activities of the population depends most of the population on revenues agricultural production, especially the cultivation of khat and marketing .. also that some of the population is dependent on revenues from some economic activities other small, such as trade, transport and communications .. In addition to that there is a proportion of the population is enrolled in some of the functions in the public and private sectors .. considered the economic situation of the inhabitants of the Directorate medium. o economic fundamentals of the Directorate: First, agricultural production: -alahbub: of the most important crops that are produced in the district, including the types of corn, and barley. -alkhdharoat And fruits: non-existent due to the small agricultural area. -bakulyat: Medium quantities of beans grown in a number of isolated Directorate, abound grown in isolation Mreit. -alqat: Occupies a large part of the arable land, and constitute an important source of revenue for a significant portion of the population of the Directorate. Second, grazing and animal husbandry: its activity is limited in terms of quality and quantity, due to the rugged surface and the scarcity of vegetation and the lack of pasture for exercise. -mdaria Moadm patience. Aldzoualawst fall within the province of Taiz. o boundaries: north: the city of Taiz, south of condolence and the Directorate: Directorate Almsrakh, and part of the east Khadder Directorate: Directorate Khadder, and part of the west Maoist Directorate: Directorate legislator and Hdnan, and part of the Directorate of Jabal Habashi. o Area: 202 km 2 o Population: 109.190 inhabitants o Population Density: 541 / km 2 administrative division consists administratively of (14) is isolated fog largest area (35.5 km 2) and population (16.728) people, and where (5 villages +108 shops) .. The epicenter of the Directorate Victory in the House of isolation Moadm north Directorate.The insulation are: Birdad (5 villages +59 locality), Moadm (8 villages +61 locality), Gorn (5 villages +41 locality), Saah (8 villages +20 locality), Almakab (two villages +34 locality), the bar (8 villages +39 locality), Abannjadh (9 villages + 94 locality), Tbahah (9 villages in the locality +54), Aladna (+18 5 villages of the locality), o sites and shrines of archaeological, historical and tourist has the archaeological site in the Old and the so-called isolation of the crossbar (Fort-Ras). Directorate is also characterized by a number of sites and Almtnevsat, especially the ones located on the Mount of patience, and overlooking the city of Taiz, including: Valley Victory, Valley fog. There are also some historic forts in the old Azlta Alehimp upper and Almsenh, and there are a number of historical sites and other archaeological. o economic activities of the population: Agriculture is the economic activity of President of the population and the primary source of income, as well as some crafts Statistics, employment in state agencies, and public and private sector .. The part of the population to exercise economic activities of small and dependent on revenues .. o the economic fundamentals of the Directorate: First: agricultural production: - Grains: Grain cultivation very little in isolation Alhazh that produce moderate amounts of grain sorghum and barley. -alkhdharoat: -batata -alkosa- Grown tomatoes, okra - onions abound grown in Azlta Mreit and Alhazh. -alfoake: Planting trees, bananas, papayas, figs, Albuls, Alvrsk in good quantities in some insulation. - Legumes: beans grown in medium quantities of a number of isolated Directorate, abound grown in isolation Mreit. - Qat: grown in large quantities in a Azlta Alberh and upholstery, and in small quantities in isolation: Moadm, and Gorn, and Saah, arm, and fog, and Birdad, and Mreit, and Alhazh. Second, grazing and animal husbandry: Directorate of cows raised in sheep and goats medium quantities. Third: Poultry: breeding are small numbers of poultry at the level of self-consumption .. There are also 10 poultry farms in isolation and Fog (5) in isolation Mreit .. - Directorate Almsrakh.Located within the central part of the province of Taiz. Boundaries: north: Directorate legislator and Hdnan south: Directorate listener and Alamaafr ♥ Directorate patience Moadm, part of the Directorate Khadder West: Directorates of patience and Moadm Alamaafr. Area: 90.6 km2 Population: 100.284 inhabitants o Alkthafahalscaneh: 1.1 / km 2 -altksam administrative consist administratively (12) isolation, the largest populous isolation Alokarod (43.642) people, and space (41.6 km 2) and where (31 village +176 locality) - Bakahaezzl are: Hbban down (21 village +2 Mahlten), Anbean (4 villages +21 locality), Musafir (4 villages +44 locality), the throne (4 villages +23 locality), and Tir (8 villages +11 locality), neighbor (5 villages +8 shops), Taellouk (3 villages + 31 locality), Hbban higher (10 villages + locality), Scribble (3 villages + locality), Snmat (21 villages +22 locality), Abadan (6 villages +31 locality) .. - The center of the Directorate in the area Almsrakh, a small market for the marketing of some of the needs of the population and products Directorate . Economic activities of the population: First, agricultural production: -alahbub: of the most important crops that are produced in the district despite the limited production, including corn types, and grown in isolation sticks, and bills, Anbean, Musafir, Taellouk, Hbban down, the throne .. are also produced barley crop in isolation Taellouk .. and produced quantities of grain orientation for local consumption and cover part of the needs of the residents of the Directorate. -alkhdharoat And fruits: mango, grapes, Guava, pepper, banana .. and concentrated production in Taellouk, throne, Hbban down, Musafir, chopsticks, but the quantities produced them are limited and will be planted in areas near the wells and springs and Algiul water also grow vegetables rare including tomatoes, zucchini, leeks, onions. - Cash crops: are the cultivation and production quantities of coffee cultivation medium and confined in isolation Taellouk. - Qat: are grown in good quantities in the pan isolate Directorate, and occupies cultivation space mission of the arable land, and a large proportion of the population is dependent on the cultivation and marketing, which is an important source of income .. Secondly, grazing and animal husbandry: are rearing to goats, and sheep, but in small quantities .. as well as breeding cows for self-consumption. Third: Poultry: Some families keep poultry in small numbers for consumption primitive, and there are (13) of modern farms for poultry farming carnivores in Azlta Mosfer and the throne.
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