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  Taiz piece of longing .. Star City dreamy TAIZ PIECE OF LONGING .. STAR CITY DREAMY

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

 Taiz piece of longing .. Star City dreamy                            TAIZ  PIECE OF LONGING .. STAR CITY DREAMY Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Taiz piece of longing .. Star City dreamy TAIZ PIECE OF LONGING .. STAR CITY DREAMY    Taiz piece of longing .. Star City dreamy                            TAIZ  PIECE OF LONGING .. STAR CITY DREAMY Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2014 6:48 am

Taiz piece of longing .. Star City dreamy

Ttefio the shadow of Mount patience .. lean on the green hills to the foot of the mountain and the living memory riddled with history, culture and creativity .. It King Muzaffar and the capital of the state Apostolic .. and the city festooned Baklaúd achievements and names are dreamy and the city of splendor and Star City .. It is also the capital of some of the Imams of Yemen During the period between the months revolutions witnessed in Yemen Constitutional Revolution in 1947 and the revolution in September 1962 AD .. It has been said in the sources (Taiz piece of longing).
due some history of the city's founding to the Ayyubid in the reign of Sultan Turan Shah year (1173 AD), and then his brother Seif al-Islam Tgtekin- which pay too much attention to developing city building Vhid palaces and encouraged the expansion of architecture and established orchards .. and after the transition of power from the Ayyubid to Bani Rasul in 1229, and the declaration of King Muzaffar city of Taiz, the capital of his kingdom saw expansions are many and prosperous in various aspects of life and saw the city through the ages, a lot of historical events. . surrounded the Old City Wall was a height when it was created about (4 meters) is surrounded by towers and has eight doors .. The re-construction of the fence in the year 943 AH and construction continued Merpo seven years and was interspersed fence many guard towers and castles defense, and has two gates two main the big door and the door Madager ..
and made ​​history that the city of Taiz was one of the cities in Yemen, which originated in the Islamic period, and was a city of war before moving to the indwelling of Zabid Turan Shah after subjecting it to Yemen about 570 e, and roughly we can say that the city and found about the year 1000 and the given a name that now afford ..
is that a number of researchers contend that the city of Taiz in the development were not just the city but warships are in addition to that represented since its inception, the first commercial plant, which it was, like other Asian cities that were not arise except in cases where the site entirely appropriate for foreign trade.
has made ​​the city during the period brightly from the city's history stretching from 1229 to 1454 m, which was the capital city of Yemen, development and growth of a remarkable and has reached an area to a relative 81.5 hectares.
visited Taiz Arab traveler Ibn Battuta In 779 AH 0.1377 during the reign of King Mujahid See, describing it as the best and the greatest cities of Yemen.
described Sapphire Hamwi (d. 1229), the city of Taiz, saying she Castle great castles Yemen Famous, described Aadina as crouch to Taiz, Yemen, and said the son next door, who filed his book in 630 AH (1232-1233m) that Taiz is a fortress, and not at all Yemen happier than a bulwark because King bed and Fort Kings, and said it Qala placed between the two cities, one Moroccanization and second in quilts Mount patience, has seemed the city of Taiz to the traveler first European to Yemen to Udwiko de Vartema (1508) as a very old city, Bmsadjadha which reminded him of the Church of Mary round in Rome and palaces brilliant, and said they make where copious amounts of rose water, as described Captain Dutch (Pieter van den Brucke) Taiz (1618) that he saw the six high-rise towers and several mosques and found to be an important commercial center, has been described Niebuhr during his journey by the part of the Danish mission (1763) City Taiz in detail in terms of its location at the foot of Mount patience, pointing to the wall and its towers and gates of the city and Fort Cairo, has been under Niebuhr book illustrations of the city between the sites main features as pointed out the remnants of two cities: Aadina, located at the foot of Mount patience, above the city of Taiz directly, leaving them only the mosques destroyed, and for the transfer of the population it was the headquarters of the region's rulers. And other Tabat, located just half a mile nearly south-east of Taiz on Mount patience and still see, pointing out that he was still watching the remnants of the wall is a large mosque there, no longer than only a small dome, and still see where the walls of the Red Mosque, They are built with stones of red and the strangest thing where a long line written at the top of the walls, not Kovia nor an Arab newly.
Fortress City:
The Castle of Cairo, which sits on top of Red Mountain famous landmarks of the city, where is the castle of the most castles Exalt has been named Castle Taiz name that later became the name of the city before it turns into a fortress Cairo .. due date of establishment of the castle to the era of state Sulayhid (436 AH - 532 AH) .. where built by Sultan Abdullah bin Mohammed Sulayhi - founder Sulayhid state and surrounded by a fence with a gate giant can be accessed through a mountain road Quirky .. consists castle of a number of buildings and palaces, which oversees the city, which was inhabited by a number of kings of State apostolic such as King Muzaffar Yusuf bin Omar bin Ali messenger who was taken from the castle based .. As taken by the Ayyubid the headquarters of the army until the era of the Ayyubid state in the year 628 AH.
has been found on a number of archaeological finds in the Cairo citadel dating back to pre-Islamic times, including the Statue of pottery as well as the head of a horse thought it was chess pieces, as is also found on the statue of the potter and Mboukrtin fashioned Alqtabani ring holds a bunch of grapes, In addition to the inscription, which was found at the entrance to the main door of the castle and consists of six characters, altered four characters of which to calligraphy and letters the other two are still intact quote the Aramaic, in addition to getting stones carved from aspects with the rise significantly in the middle, a pattern that commonly spread in the third era architecture of Yemen, in addition to a cylindrical column on the crown of the head, perhaps it was used in the Temple. All this evidence is not beyond a reasonable doubt that the Cairo citadel dating back to the pre-Islam, were also found during the process of the restoration of the castle on about 140 pieces of decorations mosaic is usually due to the Ayyubid period, as well as small pieces of glass decorated with gold leaf.
known for its Taiz many other forts and castles as a fortress of the bride, and Damlah fort and palace hall, castle and fortress Qaham ignorant and Castle Almaamrh. And Fort Taiz.
Taiz city is also famous Mosque of the soldiers, which is in the outskirts of the city and the mosque is one of the first mosques built in Yemen after Islam where builders Sahaabi Maaz bin Jabal in the sixth year of the Hgerh.thm re-Hussein Bin Salama (317-402h) to build .. It is said that the ruling Sulayhi (preferred bin Abi blessings) is also the work of construction mosque .. has been demolished days Mahdi bin Ali Mahdi Alraeina Humairi year (558 AH) and then re-ruling Ayoubi Saifuddin Atabeg Sankar built in 575 AH, adding to the building south portico and the Stoics lateral and Asahnin caught campus .. says Dr.
Abdullah Abdul Salam Haddad, a professor of Islamic archeology at the University of Sanaa in the conclusion of his study of the texts of the Constituent Mosque Maaz bin Jabal in the soldiers: »
The Collector soldiers in Taiz governorate of the oldest mosques in the Islamic world in general and the second mosque built in Yemen after Mosque of Sana'a which was built in the seventh year of the Prophet's migration, where the sons of collector soldiers in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him, and specifically in the tenth year of the Prophet's migration by Sahaabi Maaz bin Jabal may Allah be pleased with him when he sent the Prophet peace be upon him after his return from the Battle of Tabuk to call the people of Yemen and Tfiqiham in matters of religion, so he headed Maaz to Mecca to perform the Hajj and then left them to Yemen, where he arrived the city of the soldiers in the month of June of the same year and the foundations of the mosque was finished construction on the first of July and prayed his first prayer of F in Yemen, but it is first Friday of the month of Rajab feast of religious holidays in Yemen, which is celebrated each year ».
and the date of interest in this mosque and stages of restoration, adds Dr. Haddad:
«Given the importance of the whole religious have contributed to each of assumed Yemen from governors and rulers and kings of Independent States in the expanded and renovated starting State of Bani Ziyad Bzped 204-426 AH, and passing through the state Sulayhid e Bjblh 445-532, and 569-626 e Ayyubid state, and the state e apostolic 626-858, and 858-923 e Tahria State, and the Ottoman Empire 945-1045 E, as well as in the present era ».
and famous city of Taiz Bjoamaha a mosque and a mosque Muzaffar Ashrafieh and who they return to the sixth century Islamic architectural masterpiece promise as a rare addition to the ancient Islamic schools such as school Almazvria and Ashrafieh and Almattabah and Ahmadiyya and Alatopkyh. Also Islamic famous in Taiz mosque people of the cave and the Dome of Husseiniya, and the mosque of Ibn Alwan in livres.
, however, of the most famous monuments of the Islamic and the most important collector and school Ashrafieh attributed to Malik al-Ashraf Ismail ibn Abbas; who is one of the last kings of Bani Messenger has built the school Ashrafieh in year (803 AH --1,400 m) and where there is his tomb.
well as the famous Taiz school Almazvria which is as important as the school Ashrafieh which is preceded by terms of construction where ordered built by King Muzaffar) Yusuf bin Omar bin Messenger, the second King of Bani Rasul. heritage authentic and natural wonders: that make Taiz between natural features which are manifested through patience clad mountain greenery along with the uniqueness of its markets as a market Aelchenana many traditional crafts as an industry wonderful ornaments and jewelry, silverware and traditional handicrafts, textiles, and leather goods, pottery and stone, and industry

Mats of palm trees .. also unique in Taiz many of the features that are attributed to it as is the case with the tree rare that it is said there are no only in Taiz, so named after a tree strange has been turned into a tourist attraction
due to age and unusual shape of the unusual shape with an estimated life of hundreds of years, and it has trunk behemoth has a perimeter of 35 meters and a diameter of 18 meters, and 15 meters high, branching from the roots and branches covers more than ten meters from every direction, and leaves a large scale in the development of mutually fragmented (507) and leaflets Rmohah to Ahljugih or oval upside down on the edge of complete .. The summit sharp The flowers are large pendulous white to pale yellow .. have a strong smell ..
and color is like the color of the body Elephan
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Taiz piece of longing .. Star City dreamy TAIZ PIECE OF LONGING .. STAR CITY DREAMY
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