منتدى جبل صبر
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منتدى جبل صبر
أهلآ بك زائرنا الكريم يشرفنا إنضمامك الينا .. لتترك معنا بصمتك ..فلا ترحل دون
ان نرى بريق اسمك معنا ..يحلق في سماء منتدى جبل صبر . تعز . اليمن
منتدى جبل صبر
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» جبل صبر ... عالم من السحر والغموض
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:20 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» مشرعه وحدنان تاريخ وجمال جبل صبر
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:12 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» صفحات من التاريخ المنسي .. الطاغية ورعية الجبل
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 5:52 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» أين يقع جبل صبر
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2017 7:07 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» للعيد في جبل صبر ..حكاية قصها زائروها للعيد في جبل صبر ..حكاية قصها زائروها
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2017 6:50 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» الجزائــر اكثـر دولة العالم انتشاراً للسرقة
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالخميس فبراير 19, 2015 6:04 am من طرف ماريتا

»  جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:47 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:44 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:40 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

أكتوبر 2024
مكتبة الصور
From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Empty
المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
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جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
ومن اروع ما قيل عن مدينة تعز
جبل صبر ... وحكاية الثلاث ليّات !
تعز الحالمة وجبل صبر السياحي
هذه الأنسامُ مِنْ رأسِ (العَـروسْ)
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز 1
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز 1
المهاجل الشعبية اليمنية والاهازيج وزوامل والتراث اليمني
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي محافظة تعز اليمن
من اجمل ماقيل عن اليمن
جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
ومن اروع ما قيل عن مدينة تعز
أهل الكهف..في جبل صبر
جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز
جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
مواضيع مماثلة


 From what has been said about the nicest Yemen FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: From what has been said about the nicest Yemen FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT    From what has been said about the nicest Yemen                          FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT  Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2014 6:44 am

rom what has been said about the nicest Yemen
FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT THE NICEST YEMEN Accessible from longs and longs to land good, originality and generosity land of love, wisdom and faith in the land of clubbing for pens and described the land of telephony to the most beautiful prose poets of words between the spacious scenic territory. Who among us does not love those pure land land originality and glory land, scientists, writers and light and guidance, decency and dignity and we do not like the people the people of generosity and kindness and humility of us are not proud of the land of Tkthl eye love everything you consider Alehaerd history of Solomon and Balkis, Saba, Sam bin Noah town of Thebes in Earth was built by Lord patriotism remains eternally no matter how long exile, and many temptations homeland is the mother, the foundation, the Nativity since to generate human remains unchanged on its soil Faashgah love applies in arteries ....... etc.
The tongue of the Aadzan longing to express more and we can not say only: a long drought and Baad .... and heart increased with longing and docility. wrote what is beautiful in love with Yemen and its people in the voice of Yemen .... This is what I read and wanted to add to it in Yemen right we are pleased and honored that even if the weave of any forum or from any book and other ....... ((Almqamaalemnah)) By: Dr. Sheikh al-Fadil: Karni subject's brother Fadil: headnotes ((faith and wisdom Sirius) ) ((kisses on the forehead of Sanaa)) entered Sanaa, after what we read, pray for, and found in favor of Ben acceptable, sing and say: We have come to Qaysih Yemeni = her proportions in righteous Hjan she said, and dated by the Ulster us = any land or from the two men and I said to her: The My buddy Vqovernm = Tamim As my family Fimana companions thousand various age = us meet the multiple Faotlvan has said the people of Yemen: you from? I figure Ozdeh, and the religion of Muhammadiyah, said: Dismount is Bis, nor unhappy, the you-Qarni Uys, said Stop telling of came Bacharaúa faith, where he says: Faith Lehman, wisdom Sirius, said: peace be upon him whenever smacked Word, and revolted found , followed by Hamad, solving Saad, said how the case? Hey Socialized Alokiel, O people of speeches sleepless, Loya owners intuition and improvisation, and oh pioneers poems and Alozjal. not my knees Alemnon Arjoa Not my knees Alemnon Arjoa Not my knees Alemnon Arjoa we have become ĺćÇäÇ Imania Nsaúlkm Is Sal Naaman after us and love us belly Noman Wadia has spoken of you praise, that flowed out Alqraúh, and save you the history, bringing out your glory Mars, Oncim what was said in Mdgm Hamdani, and his record in your glory His brocade Alkhsrvani, is not attributed to you the sword Hinduana, and called on your behalf Corner House Yamani, and Suhail a star Duwani, and you updated era Prince San'aani, and mark the Lord Imam Shawkaani, and crown scientists Alecoqbana, and master of the Patriarchs Abu Idris Khawlaani, and Mufti brand Urban, and the son of Aldepa Shaibani , and Sheikh Senate Eryani, Judge Ahmed Elhoudrani, and preacher of preachers Albehani, and professor of Miracles Zindani, has praised you Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Harrani, for an interview to explain the faith Yamani, and your glory Ibn Rajab jurisprudence in meanings, and Hspkm praise of the Prophet Adnani, it _khaskm the knowledge of wisdom in vescico , and you poet of the Prophet peace be upon him Hassan, the king of the Arab al-Numan, and preacher minimum Shban, and you sword ever weighs in Ghamdan, but I heard the poet says: do not do not like to walk but Massaaada nor lightning only be Imania Femiz Briqkm all Lightning because sincerity , comes Bagheit and the rain, and said man measuring the merchant Yemeni in Amith said: He threw desert Alabit Avaah verb Yamani The flaws loaded you Aws and Khazraj, and kings tiller and the lame, and Omar bin Ma'diyakrib brave greatly emboldened, and you Queen Bilqis, and the names of a small girl, and Abu Musa Abdullah Bin Qais, and on the tongues flowing rhymes, and in the hospitality saturation Awafi, Bdehtkm fast, and your memories exquisite, and you, eloquence and Abbahh, and tolerance and navigation, and called you infallible, he said: O Allah bless us in Amanana, and say: According to the people Snaana and Adenna. said Zubairi in the poem home, Addressing Yemen: Mezkina O Wind then Pour the remains of my body in an atmosphere of those meanings and Zeina mountains and arroyos between fields and twigs and pray Gerta and Ohbabi and Qusay Alihmua what Dhani Is Bakana Hazairha Is Rthani her bird Are Hjah what may Hjani Litt to housebreak eyeball perhaps forever Epkih just made ​​me cry was mentioned Golden in nobility, in the biography of Hammam bin alarm one of the scientists, that a man of Quraysh, the owner of foolishness and indiscretion, told a people of Yemen, was a Yemeni confidence confidant: What did Ajuzakm said: Ajuzna Balkis submit with Solomon to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and Ajuzakm O Qureshi bra firewood entered Fire with entrants, and Avhmh Vgelb Qurashi, in every distress Oqahmh. The Mutanabi poet meanings, praised the sword-Yamani, said in the potty fantastic, and in the poem illustrious: Despite Shabib difference sword his hand and they were on Alalat Astahban if the necks of the people said to his palm companion Kissi and you Yamani and they reminded me of poet contemporary to him Warduni, I mean by your poet Abdullah Bardouni, where he says, addressing the Prophet peace be upon him: We Alemnin O Taha fly us to Rawabi Ela lives of supporters if I remembered Amara and his Vafajr us that we are descendants of Ammar has lifted up the heads of the Arabs, what triumphed Saif bin Dhi Yazan and Gelb, the Abraha holder lying, Fsartkm delegations, including Abdulmutallab, praised Welcome illiteracy bin Abi Salt in illiterate tirade, pompous of the stars of heaven say: Sit down gently you crown up those Makarem not Qavan of milk Palace Ghamdan house you Mhlala Chiba water Fada after Abuala and obey Maaz bin Jabal, and Rftamoh in the shop-term, and Nasrtm Ali ibn Abi Talib, his qualities and talents, he said: if you're a janitor at the door of the Commission to say to Hamedan brought safely and you kill the liar Black Ansi, became in history forgotten, and you Miqdaam day Qadisiyah, who crushed the crowds Persian, and you poet Wadah, who shook his poetry lives , and you thinner nation's hearts, and the least defects, and Otehrha south, and in you serenity and dignity, and the jurisprudence and considered, and your parents and Abrar, and Stop that you Ansar, with humility in you and refraction, and you the author of the flowers, and the owner of Torrent jars, Mudbj Alguetmtm power, and you investigator famous, and industrious Great, I mean son of the minister, the owner of the capitals and Rulsam and Rawd smiling, Khtaibkm If spoke outclass preachers, and their families and mystique either of us after either a scapegoat, and your poet if attended dominated poets, and became the hearts of numbing air, the Arabic Berdkm her birthday, and Arabism you have children, and Himyarite you grandchildren, As the poet said: Yemeni is I barefoot Yemeni is I barefoot Yemeni is I barefoot may Rowena glories generation Vgela had Tina crowns fractions and Caesar found the owner of civilizations donkeys you have the mountains, the beauty, magic halal, and eloquence in words, with the safety of the issuance, and after about arrogance and vanity, and the lightness of souls, and the humor and banter, and the ability to save, and foundry pronunciation, and the quality of sake, all delicious Atr, with a smile and a flat-screen, and the hearts of love, emotion, hugged Jebalkm clouds, and hugged Hgerkm fog, before Rihankm dirt and called Gdrankm: Run foot, this bather cool and drink, as if Pennekm If blending cardamom, and mix with ginger, a flood of nectar , as if to say to the drinkers, I come from Sheba with news of certainty, and Berdkm chrysanthemums, Adhag basil, Bulbul grove, like speaking the words, in every morning shouting, like a preacher eloquent, income Rodkm thought that Ewan fractions, applied by the breeze Glory of prisoners: Land Theraha Pearl and soil followed by the lunar verses fancy caught and Tine territory of the ward and the bird between a swimming pool and amplifier pollen cast out like Geman, even walked their land Suleiman, a delightful assistance of an interpreter, Tbala boyhood North, not east nor west, loyal supporters of the message in the ancient times, you supporters now , Fadwa uniformity tightly, you are heroes Aljhabz, and Anasroa year-Mukhtar, in those lands, and Anajoa approach advances, you Yes back, and lift up the religion of science, it is similar to his father, what injustice, Vvicm scientists and sunflower, and you banal and urad, and Tdenkm fast, and your understanding of Badi, Having said in Sanaa, from a poem I carry love and loyalty. Sanaa, we formulated you poems and Ketba you fulfill not show us Alattaba on your eyelids dead love may Srawa even those who stayed dead and gold novel magic in your eyes song and Hassan in your face Wihdah has poured Litt fancy leaving Spirits safety is the one who replies Balolhaz what and by the If you are you crying, my Sanaa has lost Sakbna you Ghaith and Shba Astghafri you what are you doing us this beauty Yamani kills Arava and what progress the British army, wants to capture Otani, in the country of my neighbors and my brothers, shouted poet Eryani, in people Yamani Addressing army invaders who deceived aspirations: Hey Britain slowly ** The oppression of God was severe oppression that God decimated Frau n ** and returned by you Tmoda Do not think that the demolition of the towns kills ** unrelenting determination or Salida anything wrong with that Tbdwa homes Bttiyara ** complement what tomorrow praising the minimum , we have houses in the mountains that our ancestors would not ** Nantha Tpeda Valenzal bout that Kntamoa ** who is not afraid of war with Abannoda to see from us and from you spend documented ** When his opponent Mcefoda Ofterjoa England in the country's land and God ** eternal home and lied to God and what was even ** fill the earth and sky soldiers after the bloodshed on the ground ** and Troy plains and Alnjuda what Khaddana to leave with their proximity in * * Debt Baida us how satisfied they are creatures of the bravest army ** Vasalohm may Sadfona black , my son, pursued by our people to death ** has won from die a martyr and Put on a suit of Shroud dear ** and sold life selling glorious hurriedly rushed to Commission may ** beat of luck came to her as a martyr on the Huckan peace, and God's mercy on Irian, and blessings on the planets, and the forgiveness of Imran and his greetings on Khawlan and the bounty of Hamedan. Because the correct interpretation acanthoid, hair Milih Aryan, and eloquent speech Kawkabani. And mind Alrgih Amrani, flip Sabeeh Julana, and stop Samih Hamdani. and Exchange God curses, Mount we do, because it produced us son of the minister, the owner of inking and editing. Thanks for that land if the Dama watered their homelands Osagenaha Yemen is derived from the faith because they believed the message, and showed valor , and Honor the messenger of the Prophet, and met him accepted, and collected between reasonable and transfused. Yemen is derived from Yemen because it was auspicious his soldiers, a certain Bhacodh. Yemen is derived from the Secretariat because the people of his men arrived Milli souls, and brought to the law of Heads: Nation Omehrt glory Alnfosa made ​​to call for major Alrúsa and Yemen derivative From the right, understand starboard Jihad Brigades, an hour executioner, swords mourning: the sperm Tleghana Juhagehh sold from God Erouha and Ibdana If I saw from detract Yemen know that he deserves a reprimand, because he is ignorant of the ABCs of history. Tabaraani narrated, the Prophet Adnani, in praise of the periods Yamani: The same Lord of Yemen, because they are the people of the rescue and clever. Yemen is a country Alokiel, and mountains, and beauty, and majesty. Valokiel: Alahabich expelled, and defeated every army. The mountains: warriors repelled the invaders, and destroyed the British liars. And Beauty: Messages charm of nature, in the veil of the law. The majesty: faith in the power of, and science with youthfulness. Hugging in Yemen history and geography, hug sufficient panacea, and shook hands with jurisprudence and modern, and ancient and modern. If Sal gardens of flowers, Torrent jars, you see the people of tradition and campaign effects, and if you want evidence, to the virtue of this country of Galilee, you Balxleil. , and I know I have what lavished in praise but failed, and lengthened in praise, but shortened, and enough for the people of Yemen praise Mustafa, but we wanted to write in the Office of fulfillment, and in the record serenity, has said the poet proud of you: We are the face of the sun's faith and strength ratios free and the glory and chivalry agony uncle and Qahtan Dad and endowed me the glory of those paternity and swords eggs in the face of darkness on hitting the important without prophecy Ya Sanaa We want you Gila divine, and youthful Mhamdia, and determination Imania, thank you, Aden, on Trhapk the followers of the Prophet Secretary, and evicted the slaves of Lenin, tails Astalin, because of pride God and His Messenger and the believers. ladder to the house of Hjo It Hjn and to see Rawd of charm and good O panel copied the Mdamana my heart splendor of this existence, in Yemen and wrote this set up, so I read books folk in the mountains and Tehama, I read books son of the minister, and the book winds of change , and Samert each reference, and I checked the history of al-Akwa, and accompanied the book Bader omen, if is sententious, and a thousand a Orientalists book Yemen from the back door, and there are enough and healing, was organized by the poets in Yemen Alemat, and written on the hearts of her love verses, and they have in this Diameter books and workbooks, and the kindness of the people of Yemen nominated for the coffee tree because the building Modat. and nominated qat, go for it times, and eat diets. Yemen resource tortured, and the field welcomed, Valqoma Yemen proud, because it is a country seriously donkeys, historian and encouraged, because it was found on the home followed , and the owner of the effects of its Yemen supply, because the Iram of the Pillars, which did not create the ideals of the country, and the campaign of the Koran, their tendency to those nations, because faith Lehman, save their news, and echoed their poetry, and the type they constructed, and do not underestimate people Oxiaehm. , and I know that Yemen gave to Solomon Balkis chair, and killed a black-Ansi, and dressed Arabism Almanan, a sword with a weighing, even visited Abdul Muttalib, on behalf of the Arabs, Vbashrh prophet is anticipated, and the highest home as it should. and draw Yemen in assets, guidance stallions, and in the interpretation, open the Almighty, In Abu Qasim, Rawd smiling, and in the art of demand, the four Neil, and provisions, the ways of peace, and in the jurisprudence of effects, Awtaar, and the crown of the bride originally from Zabid, and have all the world is useful, poet and glorious. The richest God by talking about the philosophy of Greece, and jurisprudence for words creator of Khorasan, and the explanation for the fantasies of Persia and theirs Sasan, who are more slaves humility, and Ogzarhm tears, and are not servants of AED, and not from their land Ja'd bin AED, did not enter their homes Jahm bin Safwan, but Ohdoa for the year peacock bin Kisan, and the flag was requested to their homelands Snina, has been handed over from mistakes Farabi and Ibn Sina. God and their history is well done, because there are Lin hearts and sincerity of tongues, and the tree of glory do not germinate only on the rivers of legitimacy, therefore, were swept out of their germ of communism, because they Unitarians do atheists, understand a country of faith and spending, not the country of comrades and hypocrisy, Via bath Bulghm us peace, and say to the front, and peace and blessings on the elite creatures, and his family valued. before farewell, Knocking ears Bmoktuah Babe and verses hot for your poet Mohammed Mahmoud Zubayri address where Yemen says: Before the farewell, Knocking ears Bmoktuah Babe and verses hot for your poet Mohammed Mahmoud Zubayri address where Yemen says: Before the farewell, Knocking ears Bmoktuah Babe and verses hot for your poet Mohammed Mahmoud Zubayri address where Yemen says: poetic masterpieces mystique you who Ssuytha and made ​​Mali by the effort you spun and published between mankind and Ozatha you who Psonak may Atrtha and typed in Mahjta and rays Abadtna for the nation I am her voice higher If Diatna Diatha what he said national ah but Jitna and melted my heart out and capacity Azptna and Srtina to say about you people delirious verse esteemed ((poem Yamania)) By: Alostama Fadil: Abu Abdullah subject's Honorable: Abu Abdullah had planted the seeds of love for the Quran *** thus unknowingly caused harm the fruits of science and faith folk are out of Arabism and Ali *** in the home prided Alyalawtan he praised the Lord Alarishvi verses *** and gifted with the blessings of faith and also the Messenger of Allah said to his family *** Ontmdhuoa rule and with faith and jurisprudence attributed to talk to them and *** in Alpittalhram Yamani corner and Sohail Faaliaúh Mtimna *** and clank stronger Albatratiman and promise them Almokhtarand pelvis in *** doomsday Vobcroa brothers Nasroa the law of the Lord and His Prophet *** Hdarham of this matter published Sharia Ahmed Vlihnoa *** Alaminalban through the intercession of the Pacific such as Abu Huraira Vialroaah for *** and Huda Abu Huzaifa, a Muslim Khawlaani and Uys hits in Qarni met *** and asceticism and devotion to Rehman and Muammar al-Rawi and Shaykh Ibn Hanbal I mean *** by Sheikh Agyalsnani and son of the minister and after Mokbily *** and son Prince and beyond Shawkaani ......... then pray with peace on the Prophet *** Mustafa Sayed and Dadnan is vinegar Lord Alimuabdeh *** is better than walking from Althaglan is the master of this world and the beacon of guidance *** mentioned Ichdhualy basil These are Alvdaúltistfad *** because they planted the seeds of love for the Quran ((neighborhood facet of civilization)) By: poet Bottle Starter hoping for Paradise to the north and south Alvin Love and greeting ..... plains and mountains of longing if the high-end small hands Talt attic ..... what type of love for the sweeter Yemen Yamani said Lage will and will Qlthia Jays ..... I see that sword Ben Dhi Yazan and I live in Dar Sanaa and Aazmelhoudrmah .... and Angna Bhawki listen to me and Eden Litt who is showing her eyes ..... Arab and waddling on Alarban house and tune drink from cups thoroughbreds ..... and a little time with them Atsamer of time neighborhood facet of civilization efforts in the neighborhood ..... proud of the spirit and united Cji hull up and pilgrimage and Mukalla Saellne ..... how subtle form of stilettos for Azemn safe? told outburst door or the minds of deliberately terrorizing ..... Brjatha irrigations when adversity worthy of love and longing thousand Greetings and beautiful ..... Balamlameh Aarbua Yemen ((Sanaa)) ...... in love with Yemen 3)) subject to hoping Paradise ** Sanaa or villages Alimnoha as described by Haj: ((Ahmed bin Isa Alrdai)). Orjosp ........ in Hajj magnificent: ............... Sanaa with the role and Alatam ...... foot, foot and a Akaddam and splendor than ever Satwa Algcham ... AST .. with the knowledge of the Son of Sam Noah with the knowledge of the Lord as king Allam ........ Radha Sam without Toham and Radha than two thousand years ago ...... what we do Anakam between the foothills and between the two shortcomings appointed High ...... Vasesha days in the above mechanism is Hptha Balivk ...... I Sanaa Loud House polytheism Alatam: ((high mud forts Vhbh by Manazelsnaa to height)) and Akaddam: ((Satwa King is followed and said that the first of the flood Ibnahabad Sam. ((It's popularized between Adam and Noah about two thousand years)). disadvantages and we do not: ((mountain Sanaa)). they are saying science is doubt ........ heated science and Dar King and infallibility Almasul ..... even your father. The Hungarian what Kharc astronomy in the age for senior Izz ..... Respondent became metal folks asceticism watering to Sanaa Quality of Hack ...... He went attributed the high fish Almasul: ((from time immemorial fearful and say it loud Sanaa role in the trap of ignorance and Loud Alaslambansk in her family)). strayed from the country's king measures ...... lighted in Sanaa her establishment unless the campus is a Alanis ....... {z by Ghamdan Kulais and built with the Rescue President ...... Ihsb discharged The girl Balkis is the oldest building Qadmous Bean ...... Believe what its coating and the splendor and the dew and the bag ..... that screamed relentless Drdbes Ghamdan and Kulais: ((Mahfdasnaa, have stated in the corona)) Hakma said Hamdani Alorjosp explains:. ................ Sanaa Judt black clouds ...... Bmcfhr and accuracy Mahdod Z by me home Almacod ...... Brothers Believe pillow witnesses deeds quest dew and generosity .. understand them .... sniff Sarat fishing club board acclaimed ...... so cold the first numbered Thao throughout eternity ...... do not ask him Lebed parent born Mahdod: ((any die Menhzm, as well as the viewer Menhzm, and Raad Hazim)) that bridged the time of the event ...... decidedly enemy war Aladgan the Vhamy without Hayyan ...... Qahtan and Liberal from Sasan Aqbilta sincerity if the offender ..... lit the fire of war by announcing they were Kgab Assad Khvan ...... it remained non-umbrella Lalwani Report of eye goodness ....... matter in such a young Canna elastosis * ended with respect to Besnaamn Orjosp Alrdai God's mercy. said Hamdani in Sfahaldzerh: City of Sana'a is the mother of cities The pole because it is in the middle, and among and between Aden like what the extent of Yemen from the land of Najd and Hijaz and Kanasmha in ignorance: ((still)) * says Arabs: ((must Sanaa and Talambassr)) * ((Valley Floor )) subject's hoping Paradise this poem is very beautiful and wonderful move it to you in love with Yemen, and I see the longing and nostalgia for the homeland and loved ones to the judge: ((Ali Ahmed al-Ansi)) writer poet this poem on behalf of ..... ((Valley Floor)) .. ............ a Ashahraodah Udayn says .......... and Amgrbuada role over the twigs and Amhaj Sbabata rewind tunes what you looked irritation torrent my heart and sorrow for was not gay lover intersections of the homelands * *********** Bulbul green valley where the Almighty Dmek claims anguish lover and adoring Tabek worked and Engage Albanh Bhfezcorvek and leave folks love to love Aabulbul Dairy ************* Listen to me and Mushtaq suffered Chkah casting him out of the city of Dar Sam congratulations to Aj Albin Aatir Hakma accidentally suffered Vdmuah on loved ones in cheek colors ************ I follow you and God Jvani Ahjuaa and injured Mqlta O Ahbab Gary tears uh and Ahsrta you Uah O and awareness of all of this Nowakm Litt Oh, that was what ************ Iaahabh Lord God Sanaa Sanaa patronized how that usury is still the guiding pasture is located if I am trying him on the head, not trying O my spirit, my soul succeeded Bluebell and Ashjan *********** to Atchari when Sha gave a stick Traveler Wi while Sha back to me live has been embossed Wi-Sha Ataktr between those scenes is close to a God that at least it Be ************* Sanaa Tabat ground ..... not satisfied with other Alerdha has turned the story ..... Ground was seen in Sanaa ..... philanthropists to do well as it exceeded Alomcna Almsakna missed ..... and the country is good ..... Sheba in his office all the chapters ..... Erbaha spring Jinan four ..... good news in Almhf selves ..... what she desires and loves her bag of Dinh and lower ..... and Mndjemaa things are puzzled by the prescriber ..... nor baffles Arif described in the answer to ..... accommodate Alabuaba where Kamaluddin ..... honesty and certainty and justice and charity ...... and security. .oalaman their safety ...... fearful of inter concerns and how much by how much it ..... Mngda attentive to what you want out of the wonders ..... It is an oddity of the mosques where the full purposes ..... what is not in others ..... and Ahalsanaa and Aha by upright men ..... scientists and currency holders and the Koran ..... and seven vescico km reader for seven ..... Zkkarim Copyright see how much of continental ..... in the darkness of nights km in the corners of the mosque ..... kneeling and prostrating has not been without prayer ...... Faokther times , but the extent of its easy ..... ask an expert and wondrous wonder ..... between dinner and Morocco , especially in the month .. Vehliala much ... The Crown neighbor ...... in other countries, and how much of their world ..... built monuments .. Pour Padres science ..... Medicine Zkifahm dictate on the whole ..... Fraúd. . sciences and how many have received them ..... The acumen prophet who stayed and went ..... Qdyalehm of spent recalcitrant bright ..... they were lush kindergartens were all ANSA ..... what those who forget and scientists. Zina .. ...... Bedouin city .. and they are the people the option ..... text and measurement which is the life of the earth ..... word of the Lord is pleased with those who have not been aware of this ..... acumen and understanding .. and who knows Bean Lord ..... and inspiration in the written and narrated by Alalma ..... and narrated Gma and understands minute ...... and Aarafalhakikh and hear Alkhtaba ..... and improves Ajawaba beast ..... and sell the same number without value meet In the second part, God willing, complete the second part ((description Sanaa).) Part II .. in love Yemen (6) , which contained Orjosp Judge: Mohammed bin Ibrahim Sahooly God's mercy: ............ ...................................... .... God der Sanaa ..... exceeded and appealed Sanaa They Apr father ..... good Dir observant repelled km born as well ..... incubated km from noble km reasoned born ..... days breasted adulthood Vserthm parents ..... and vomit their image and how much Hotjaúba Art Graúba ..... how much and how much it Mandour ..... Mutalh .. Bdour Tstagahaalnfos ..... like paradise .. This ..ovialosoaq ..... wonders livelihoods km buyer and seller ..... To toast goods did not disturb Mnfoake ..... It is crowing fruity but over easy ..... destined recognition .. like a month or two months without sincerity ..... Maine and how it Vehrvh ..... and rituals .. and chastity and miserable. . poor ..... obediently ..odan and poor Saber ..... It goes Shaker gives to the face of God ..... all fun Lahey wonder how many of them ..... and jokes, toast and shortcut first ... say I. .. ratified watered Lord Sanaa ..... and a leg for the red and the era .. and Dhahban ..... to the realms of Sauan and School Ereidah ..... lengthy rivers ..tjary ..... Kahnc competed and the same .. Shoveler ..... liked his descriptions and after Bear Azab of gracious spend ..... wonder if the same is said Saadi ..... Roda alone where Manalmani ..... Malisse in place in Bur Kteralbr ..... Barda and free parchment and liked the course ..... do well because of it ..... Kjzemnha about his separation alone ..... even reported to the pride alone is impossible that field ..... The horizon San'aani something from the Bekaa .. The consensus text ... if Zkrnaallowada ..... Our concern all Wade Valley ..dahr God ..... and explained .. chest and Ozkrna Asera ..... revealed it secretly and above .. for Grass ..... So grab Qurtas Mrtba .. Imamate ..... and the source of leadership surveys Alamamamahdi ..... good imam guides then pray .. God ..... remain without overhearing those who Halhvall Day ..... The Hour has concluded Nazmi .. Fahmi on ... dieback in eight of the acidity ..... After a thousand and one hundred ............................... ................... ... ended Nqlamahtaj of Orjosp Judge Mohammed bin Abrahimaleshola God's mercy, a very long Arabs say: ((must Sanaa and Talambassr)) ((between Ibb and protoplasm)) .. in love Yemen (7) the subject's hoping Paradise EP of the most beautiful cities of Yemen, which is famous for its natural beauty wrote some writers are constructed in a protoplasm said: Roy Mr. Ali Almusharaa was in the novel news and keeping Alohaarkalosamaa said tired of inherent House, and I am weary of all accompanying Perhaps Litt, and narrowed myself when he got me concerns license, I took the opportunity, and I learned that my fancy who inhale the breath of creatures share, came out while inattention to Almzk that between Ibb and protoplasm Vhmdt Ukbi that of the Khrogoakhzt Asarh both sides in those meadows , and stood on the Hatyeallowada. while I coo Alhamaim listener and inhaled Alnsaemoasagl Bmadmaa iceberg Laghmaam, I heard ..... shepherd and Hoitagny at the head of science: what kindergarten singing GOP Hia ... Flowering such Sjayahm both blossom and the sky brightened the cover ... Diga tells privileges Target throughout those usury ... all of the good Raahm breathe amber and musk and camphor ... if we Anthqnahm * * * * God loved ... we knew what we saw Besimahm Lo saw Saad has brightened the stars ... When we saw them has been greatly whenever our souls crave ... day to Qenahm upgraded and Racoa Fujq fancy ... if we were able to Cherbnahm * * * * What was all this and this ... and The richest loving and richest oh I wish we all Mhjat us ... interesting We asked them absent cores day they died ... follow their hearts Mtaaahm have Adinmahm Lord of heaven and earth ... than a day Adinmahm watering and Raeia them what they have become ... our hearts boasts Belkaahm * * * * what was said Almnha tastes like ... Glens Bees Without them how could we add to us and how much ... and how much the annexation Benninahm received Hdianahm them ... when the wind went out their gifts km Aptdona hands ... and how God .. God Aptdenahm them great ... Yes, we do not deny the Namahm Allah, O If only saying it was not ... We are delighted to act Dzenahecm and the sanctity of affection between us and them ... what if Nsenahm * * * * I Masserna them ... and dismayed Nhuahm God and do not know the right or in part ... that we are in wider to Manaham familiar symptoms may ... as well as us and we had Ahdnahm Hashahm that Ajtna them ... until the bitter Hashahm fabrication contracts and dice and dice ... may become whether Tnayahm Geloa for complimenting what to say ... hoping that Mdhanahm full moon and a star and sun Andalhm morn ... if we Ksenahm use brevity, described in the description ... Fgaah are what they are * * * * Gulwa tomorrow comes Diar protection ... and come down behind Bmagnahm Anyone who was loving them ... become happy Belkaahm I What Hillete Valley guilt? Any excuse ... Otlqahm said Alice pardon of their business ... especially those who Tolahm * * * * Never despair of their proximity ... shine quarter Bmagnahm Yemen has never Mahiah of satisfaction ... hanging them and greeted them and used the Dimension and left the slave to them ... when Nadoh of the most important and Alngeh has expressed raising them ... So the praise Nsbnahm ............................. .................... .... book of all the countries of Yemen and the tribes ...
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