منتدى جبل صبر
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منتدى جبل صبر
أهلآ بك زائرنا الكريم يشرفنا إنضمامك الينا .. لتترك معنا بصمتك ..فلا ترحل دون
ان نرى بريق اسمك معنا ..يحلق في سماء منتدى جبل صبر . تعز . اليمن
منتدى جبل صبر
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» جبل صبر ... عالم من السحر والغموض
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:20 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» مشرعه وحدنان تاريخ وجمال جبل صبر
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:12 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» صفحات من التاريخ المنسي .. الطاغية ورعية الجبل
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 5:52 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» أين يقع جبل صبر
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2017 7:07 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» للعيد في جبل صبر ..حكاية قصها زائروها للعيد في جبل صبر ..حكاية قصها زائروها
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2017 6:50 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» الجزائــر اكثـر دولة العالم انتشاراً للسرقة
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالخميس فبراير 19, 2015 6:04 am من طرف ماريتا

»  جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:47 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:44 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:40 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

أكتوبر 2024
مكتبة الصور
 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Empty
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جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
ومن اروع ما قيل عن مدينة تعز
جبل صبر ... وحكاية الثلاث ليّات !
تعز الحالمة وجبل صبر السياحي
هذه الأنسامُ مِنْ رأسِ (العَـروسْ)
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز 1
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز 1
المهاجل الشعبية اليمنية والاهازيج وزوامل والتراث اليمني
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي محافظة تعز اليمن
من اجمل ماقيل عن اليمن
جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
ومن اروع ما قيل عن مدينة تعز
أهل الكهف..في جبل صبر
جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
المهاجل الشعبية والتراث الشفاهي لمحافظة تعز
جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
مواضيع مماثلة


  Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS ..

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

 Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS ..    Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS .. Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2014 6:42 am

Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..!

Of patience starts adoring proven track record Balbzl and sacrifices, announcing the dawn of gram-ater and sending whistle starting the journey longing and nostalgia, Between Almsrakh and legislator and Hdnan and Moadm flock saw the aspirations and renewed covenants and conventions, and between Cairo and the bride abbreviated fancy dear distances convergence and tales of years.
Together our hands in your hands and the patience out trip startled Nmtti horseback clouds to create the horizon of beauty Captor and wiping with a tissue dew from his grandfather glow smiling commented him from the rubble of grief .. they called everything aside and open the now your imagination window on the charm views charms patience as tall .. patience adoration and greenery Beauty and patience .. Qat and Almhagher and Albuls ..
It is the beginning of the morning on the outskirts of patience Alohm sing the national poet of love and Mr. Abdullah Abdulwahab Noman Mtlzma mare taste and flavor Pleso mountain and told the young girls (and salespersons Albuls Alvrsk) Nazlat of heights and baskets on their heads toward the grain markets dreamy Taiz:
Albuls merry merry merry and excuses Come Subhohna Plus ..
And Alvrsk Green and current .. Fraskk and Esberna what caused the sprocket
And come back to again stands out in front of panel Beauty Lord Captor blocks mountain Ataktrn They dress in traditional embroidered around the city dreamy Leroy thirst dew Alawjan Almhagher Guardian and requested for the whites cheeks ..
How sweet daughters of the mountain when the city Atovin robes Dams ..
Cheeks like roses light of dawn Eruaha and gave Almhagher Guard
Mahutat faces Eave mesqa eggs in chilled Algls
At the end of the poem caught Albuls love and this does not have a poet curiosity beau each Hassan Photos in the realms of the patience of the green, but that simplifies the palm of praise and calls for Haúmat Guada Thrown at the mouth of the arms of the mountain Daradec rainy ..
Asagak How sweet and Rodk and Grsk patient and ruthless father of implantation
Vic km from Hassan km Vic colors of my heart I wish the same affliction
But my heart is full of love, when love in my heart diving
In other ethereal pause gives us curiosity and to date is the opportunity to meet the taste of kisses and brings us together in the eyes of inattention Alawazl pick the ripe fruit with khat glamorous to describe us trilogy herpes Freedman and Alambasm vescico between water and the mountain in this extraordinary photography Budaiya:
Taste before .. The case before the taste ..
Qat vescico water on the mountain
Qat pick the ripe Qatk whenever ..
He sat emulsifies and Wardak What wilted
Qat mountain dew dripping in your hand ..
And laughter in your mouth dripping with honey
For both types of Hamaim (Ghawani and birds) sends fond of mystic beauty Hameed Caúv call joyous arrival of the beloved and adapts to describe features dazzling Hassan dazzled the pleasure of the branches of qat soft and fun Almqil beside vinegar Milih:
Hey vinegar bath Ahgelin I napped ..
Qatna of patience cloud shadowed goodness
Hey Hey Bluebell patience visitors each Mgers ..
Tampon impact your love in my heart and foundations
Hey Girls Girls Hey Hey Hey Lovely GUANI ..
Hey Hey branches Rgad O nymphs Ganana
Gade oh oh Hagliat Qatefat vescico ..
Welcome km from recipes Bewildered therein graph
In the same context, does not go Uncle Osman Abu Maher away from what went to the celebrated poet Caúv Bossal beloved .. Here is what Anse address every human in the vicinity of the arrival of the precious Upper patience:
Hey Sahab Rhurca Fort bride and Moadm ..
Ergosain oh oh Ataangan branches and doves
Zgrdan for their love and salts fog ..
Today Guest Fouad coming from the top of Hdnan
This Alabana beau Omar Abdullah walked prescribed wing Alolh to travel together and cast Mat grief on the road going down the mountain to Sabaya Ikhadoban smitten lover tone and radiance Alambasm trembling breasts ..
Hey salespersons Albuls and qat ..
Hey Hey Hur Nazlat of Alaly to Bander
Oh Absat gold decorations ..
Hey Saad buys Sabaya patience for Khadr
Hadia in Hassankn ..
If this beauty for sale .. buy Ba Ya Nas
But if we must search in the books of old for some of the names of long-their place of adoration in the folds of Mount patience Let us turn the leaves in a hurry to get back to the memory of longings to page lover of the late Ali Abdullah feature which attaches love Ghanaian from GUANI patience and he gave me her dozens of songs and continued to send her Nazlat with her companions and Talat, "there are two views of Mahboubi" directed at them this speech Almhjohn containing the description of his heart possessed Almstham tenderly Copyright presentable:
Ya Sabaya patience .. Banken Habib me ..
Moon is changer .. Ghani slender solution
Dhabi his example and his eyes .. Like ..
Throughout his Draaa won all qualities ..
Sabaya patience .. oh oh bath mountain ..
How two families champion .. what afraid of fighting
And louder songs of shepherds and parishioners from the issuance of hills and mountains Cheek and charm remains Mount patience is inspiring poet and Shadi Hassan speaking all the pictures in the approved expansive beauty .. cheering louder than he hesitates echo Og Coajp Nchoana Bmwal albacore ..
Irrigates irrigates Grush patience .. and nightingale guarded ..
Irrigates patience in terms of what Nqil .. What better Almqil shadow
In the twilight eve plays the melody on the cello Alruah Almthadi distant horizon Vtaatracs Almhajin and AlSboul rhythm pro Abab (Night and Hla Hla Dan .. and by Night) ..
Amsadjad and patience .. I am doing I am the Judge
If it falls to me Juba .. God, what do Ward
Post by Alasber .. Wall Coffee him
And not to CyberGoddes, but each of those who lived a love story in the shade and the patience of the green guides poet Dr. Saeed Al-Shaibani storm memories of this and that, despite the aging days and years will continue to shorten the distances of time and space to restore every lover into the arms of beautiful past and specifically to the deceitful meeting beloved behind the hangings of the clouds and Ghosoon across patience Higher
Mount patience km Talaatk gorgeous ..
Reminded me of a lounge and Algehmlah ..
Singer's voice in patience Hjani ..
And Haig anniversary of CyberGoddes
Taiz Taiz O Hassan home ..
What I Oqdarsh ​​Ganbak ordered Sani ..
Green Melih Bmqlth Toana ..
Dgth Bgmzath Spain
Bfattth and charm Huani ..
Is Mnetti O people of Zamani
I am fond of him and Baguana ..
Red cheeks responded spring ruby
And do not forget this recognition is documented in the case file, Dr. Said Al-Shaibani pending before the Court of love and love decades ago and who already saw it late late Mohamed Murshid Naji:
Mount me how much patience you have issues ..
Love hearts asylum issues Twaya
Those who did not serve me the opportunity to visit Mount patience and climb through Mnatafath on the fact he can view this thumbnail of Mount quill lover dust patience smitten Muhammad Abdul Bari Afattih and realize remote secret of that strange feeling that possesses all of the exhibits that the asphalt road twisted upwards towards the top down to the highest peak Bride:
Mount the patience of even high on the sun ..
Ghadiya her ear and whispered whispered
As has been since time immemorial will remain patience page chronicles the brief tales of love and convergence and the theater open for a hug greenery and clouds and Shalala tells thirst Jawanh eyes and no matter how high dust days remain for the patience of the area of ​​parity in the eye and spirit and memory .. Yes, I still remember I was standing on top of the bride in Hurrah cloud next to My teacher Arif small with the eve of the rainy from Achaya spring .. the rain was coming down to caress the greenest grass and flowers Vijal me that the voice of Ayub poured out on the slopes of the rhythm of the scene to mix with every drop of rain and every unburden breeze .. I remember I told him the moment he is not in Taiz, nor in Yemen the whole of what is the most beautiful of the patience of Job, and my patience .. Vsagak higher than God der said:
Mount patience high on the city ..
O God appointed him lovable
Mountain High patience and I Talaath ..
Print current lover and I knew
Green Mountain patience entire cab drivers ..
Arkny my beloved and I Falqa
Mount patience How sweet green hills ..
How sweet girls with all the eggs Valley
Mount patience contorted three mechanisms ..
Girls mechanism and Witten branches khat
Mount patience charged issues of love

<Hyman immortal
The poet curiosity fascinated Mount patience limit adoration and despite the difficulty of the road at the time, but it was a repeat ascent to the mountain on an ongoing basis and also love the patience it also occurred in love mare (role) where the role of a beautiful girl famous sell Alvrsk and Albuls and pomegranate in a small shop is a formwork has installed with her husband .. The "role", her husband and one of Alfdan Directorates «Udayn».
Because curiosity was not a pleasure for him Albuls but from the hand of "role" has been immortalized Bgenaúath "merry Albuls" summarized where all the features of the beauty of nature breathtaking, and the drawing of which panel gone viewers and voice Mlhanha and a relatively short step artist Yemen Big Ayoub Tarish Absi .. became a committee of Jinan God The kindergarten of Riyadha move between the mountain and the city and make the listener singing in their nests and wander among Khmaúlha.
In other wonderful regarded poet Said Shaibani Mount patience object sane accused in many cases love ode renowned warble by the late singer Mohammed Murshid Naji fun and ears and hearts and read the following:
Oh well advised chrome home Ilaya
September content of my heart and extremely
Aden Htoot sea Tits Sabaya
Samra Dates The eyes AIX
"Dhamar", "Rada" O spirit of "Haddaaa"
"Marib" and "Huth" and "Hadhramaut" advantages
"White" sunrise "Saada" Mountains Allaya
"Eb" greening mockery of misfortunes
These are "Altheim" Gifts for Peace
Thi "Taiz" Daei by Dwaya
"Mount patience" How to me you have issues
Love hearts asylum issues Twaya
Popular villages popular over Mdaya
Distributed lines you my heart and AIX
Let the unity of the people, O RAYA
Blew peoples dime without an end

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Mount patience .. Committee Almhagher love and adoration and home and qat and Alvrsk ..! MIXES WITH CLOUDS DROPS BOUKMRH STAR CLUSTERS ..
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