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» جبل صبر ... عالم من السحر والغموض
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:20 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» مشرعه وحدنان تاريخ وجمال جبل صبر
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:12 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» صفحات من التاريخ المنسي .. الطاغية ورعية الجبل
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 5:52 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» أين يقع جبل صبر
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2017 7:07 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» للعيد في جبل صبر ..حكاية قصها زائروها للعيد في جبل صبر ..حكاية قصها زائروها
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2017 6:50 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» الجزائــر اكثـر دولة العالم انتشاراً للسرقة
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالخميس فبراير 19, 2015 6:04 am من طرف ماريتا

»  جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:47 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» جبل صبر.. جنة الحب والمشاقر وموطن العشق والقات والفرسك..!!
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:44 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

» جبل صــبــــر .. حكـــايـــات جبــــل يُقارب النجوم
 Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:40 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

مُساهمةموضوع: Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT    Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience THEY WERE IN «SOLDIERS» AND RESORTED TO «ALMAKAB» ESCAPE «DKIENOS» ALKHV..FA THE PATIENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF MOUNT Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2014 6:46 am

Mosque people of the cave .. Mount patience

Mnasib and spirituality wonderful .. and novels about dignities and Faaudhat occur from time to time
codes and evidence important to demonstrate that the position of the people of the cave in Yemen and not in other countries
- reconnaissance and photography / Tawfiq Hassan Agha ..
at an altitude of 2300 feet above sea level, lies the village of «Almakab »or also known since ancient village, the people of the cave, the proportion of the story, which was mentioned in Surat« cave »in airtight book by saying God Almighty: [Taking Aatzltamohm and worshiped except Allah Vooa to the cave publish your Lord of mercy and prepares you commanded facility]« Cave 16 ».. In line with the suggestions that the Quranic text was renamed this village at the foot of Mount patience Trafalgar village people of the cave where the stretch in that spot of green in that chain temptress to Hoahq Mount patience like a coincidence hung between heaven and earth, and thus the village people of the cave in Mount patience is the only village that blessed qualities Say to find anything like it.
spirituality wonderful
in that spot geographical characteristic of the lower village Almakab which probably honors God to be these qualities and this tranquility and it's role in sheltering cave people to remain since time immemorial and even today in this Abaq Strangely, especially that water fountain much like the Balslsepel or Kawthar and soup Hinah not similar except water paradise, and this is the secret Webmasters when you visit one of the Mosque of the people of the cave in the village of Almakab where unable visitor for decoding Tlassmh but may be evidence to get to the truth somewhere story Quranic associated with the people cave in front of those discoveries and visions different about the discovery of the place of the cave mentioned the Qur'an and which ones those Alahart archeological in the past decades to some caves discovered in Amman, Jordan, or Ephesus in Asia Minor and others, however, some novelists who visited the cave area Sahab, Jordan and the cave village Almakab summit of Mount patience find that spirituality Recipes mosque cave people in Yemen is the closest to the story of the Quranic and there are stories of anecdotal from our ancestors confirm Barakat and implications of this mosque .. despite differences in some of the novels that differed around a lot of historians about the fact that the people of the cave and where they are located, where some of them went to Syria or to Jordan and other sites of other countries is that some of the people are absolutely convinced that the people of the cave they were in Rehab village Almakab this village spirituality pet bid Creator Almighty and much of Graces albeit beyond the circle of attention and all eyes are on the nature At that summit promotes itself KISS collector and the cave of her left was homeless hid the people of the cave from King «Dkienos» became the miracle that do not need to those legends that weave some around.
evidence cave people
- with this self-Badi village Almakab about the story of the people of the cave Our ​​meeting was initially Haj Sheikh / Mohammed Abdullah Ghalib to talk about this story is legend, where he
said: the story of the people of the cave in Mount patience circulating about our ancestors and transmitted since the Old Testament and the age of this mosque, archeological, which was built in honor of this story Quranic due perhaps to the period in which to build a mosque soldiers who built Sahaabi Maaz bin Mount .. This affordable and not a figment of a novel or fiction and into the cave in the village of Almakab patiently is the position corresponding to the story of the Quranic terms of sunrise and sunset, and as we said God Almighty in saying the name of God the Merciful [and see the sun if Talaat Tzaur from their cave to the right and if alienated loans out of the north who are in the gap than that of the ayatollahs of Ahd Allah is Mahtd It misleads you will not find him and Leah guide] Almighty God.
, and not, as they say, or referred to Jordan or other positions promoted by people outside Yemen .. because most These placements, which are referred to are incompatible with this significance Quranic to the people of the cave in Mount patience .. because, as described to us some of the people headed to Jordan, and came afterwards to visit the mosque people of the cave in Mount patiently point out that this difference lies in that position there is within the area or position is located within the extension the city, which is a gar Exposed or placement slope reside collector and there, as they say there are similarities in terms of the architecture of the mosque here and there, but what is determined by the location of the cave Here the difference and also said it's not only Laurel Exposed is not what it demonstrates that the people of The cave hid it as Allah says in the story: [And they stayed in their Cave three hundred years, adding nine] Almighty God.
Based on this The position of the people of the cave in this place of Mount patience and this is true has achieved ancients it before that show these discoveries in the years They found that the position of the people in the cave, and patience is not in a position other than Yemen.
the first two stories about the site of the cave
as I have mentioned there at first about this story and demonstrates the Koranic location of the cave in patience ... Are there codes for these first
two? who investigated the Book son next door and this is one of the investigators who achieved the position of Mount patience: he says: «is a mountain Rounded and where such and such villages, forts and climb it in four paths» .. the last thing pointed to him to be up and says about Mount patience: that mountain good and where sang the sun daylight girl Ahmed bin Saba bin Abi Saud said Saba Bin Sulaiman says Atptna said: how merry you distance and Khalat home leaves beloved lover and asks residence in Aden and Aatdt for hunting antelope patient employers ships and Aatdt patience for patience authorities generations Yemen.
then says: In some caves any caves Mount patience of the owners of the cave and named Maxlemena and Imlikha and Samarreis and break Toius and Vrors Mahmsameena and the rest of the names mentioned and their dog extender arms Balusid and on the door of Laurel mosque and on the door of the mosque eye called Eye-Kawthar and this is identical to this place where we are and the water we drank from this well, which described son next door and that refers to the Dkienos says is the king who Asess City Alkdrae and housing soldiers.
was the people from the people of Alafssos .. When he came out of the city went up Mount patience Vooa to the cave.
village Alkdrae and the fact that the legend
where this brownish city that mentioned by Ibn adjacent maybe is the city the other located in
Jordan? Alkdrae position in Tehama or in the area Alemrauap has been achieved for the San Yemen of Hassan bin Ahmed bin Yacoub Al-Hamdani in his recipe country Arabian Peninsula In another sign of Makhlafa in the book «mirror what counts in the preferred mount patience» and so when He said that he had been exaggerated to speak for the people of the cave, it is extremely put they Baham and the weakness of those who say they are in Mount patience in this long explanation even refers to as pointed out by one of the scientists from the owners walk also came on the tongue, where he says: They are of the people of Yemen, mean people of the cave and they were in the city of the soldiers at the time of «Dkienos», one of the kings of Yemen and in that said Hafiz spring in his book «useful in the history of Zabid» or other people of the dates so as to reach to this directory that they are of the people of Yemen.
Mnasib collector people of the cave
As for Tales service collector people of the cave in Mount patience speaks at the Haj / Mohammed Yahya Aklan Mansob present mosque in the village of Almakab
says: Since the foot and we Mnasib collector people of the cave their fathers and grandfathers and news transmitted from the people of the cave is one of my ancestors and now I am more than seventy years or more, and next to me, my children and we are occupying their this mosque .. In fact, there are periods of Almighty God for this mosque, which was at one point dried eyes and cut off the rain in all aspects of patience .. they came from the house of the good and the people of the pupil to the mosque Mstgethein God Almighty hearts humbled and did not budge mosque except the rain watered the earth.
Barakat appointed Kawthar
- what story fountain of water in this
mosque? story they blessing of God Almighty and this eye where water Mubarak and frequented by many visitors so that some Christians of tourists come here to drink from the water of the people of the cave and if they note for blessing of old books and when they come to ask the language of broken «Mikab» any «Makab» We understand they mean village Almakab and when they are on the outskirts of the mosque asking about this eye Vinzlon to eye water to drink .. There are also a lot of families from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states come here to drink from this eye in the village of Almakab and take from its water and say that treatment.
landmarks and the effects of the list
- and the site of the cave monuments and ischemia stories
says: the current position and based upon the cave and the mosque, as you can see is a cum also paid hundreds of years ago and also made it our ancestors .. Valagafs next to the mihrab is not a cage shrine but it is a separation of the position of the cave .. Falchv mediates the mosque and appointed water means between the East and the West, but when the mosque was built included the roof as you can see a shed entrances to the cave at the top and the door of the cave, which went up to him not here, but is slot cave is the end of the cave at the top of the mountain .. Vmdkhal cave in the village of Madéma in Tabat and was called the city of the snake and the first thing that survived the cave people of King Dkienos arrived first to Tabat of soldiers heading for the rise of the mountain, and when this village they encountered on their way shepherd they asked him to give them a drink Laban said to them .. Sponsor: As you can see the sheep are hungry and without water, there is no where milk .. If someone hits the locus in this place is like an ax blow hits .. If the ability of the One Creator stems from the place a spring of water and then drank water from this fountain after this strike and still eye water these exist even today is considered the first sign of the entrance to the cave in the village of Madéma in Tabat .. The second sign is the stone black hanging at the entrance to the cave in the village of Madéma which he wanted God to be a hurdle in front of Army Dkienos to stop prosecuting inside the cave after he boarded it to the mountain and passed through this portal up until they reached the summit of Mount patience with this place, and this mosque.
filled Yemeni cities tens of mosques that date back to different eras, but the "mosque people of the Cave", located in the highest peak "Mount patience" in the city of Taiz, south of the country, is one of the most prominent mosques controversial, and containing many secrets.
goes historical novels to the mosque, which is located in the town of "Almakab" on the highest peak in the mountain patience, which rises 3 thousand meters above sea level, was built on "the remains of the people Cave "who mentioned in the Koran, inference substantiated and novels though not conclusive.
prevails controversy among historians about where you slept where the people of the cave mentioned in Surat Al-Quran in their name, besides "Mount patience" in the city of Taiz, Yemen's multiple novels existence of a "cave" which harbored the boys mentioned in the Sura in Turkey or Syria or Jordan.
contains a mosque people of the cave, in Mount patience, on the slot of the cave which is believed to reach the cave mentioned in the Koran.
did not know the true history of the construction of the mosque old, but historians and local residents said that its shape Current dates back to the era of state Apostolic (strain Muslim ruled country Yemen since 1229 until 1454 m).
said the values ​​of the mosque (responsible for him) Abdullah Mohammed Yahya told Anatolia that "all information about the mosque Ntuarthha of the first two, which is historical information on the researchers validated" .
pointed out some repairs carried out of the mosque two decades ago and has distorted his features dramatically.
lives mosque case of negligence large by the competent authorities and the local population in the region, in addition to the restoration process, which has distorted his features invaded stone houses all the areas surrounding it and is without a breather, according to Yahya.
added Yahya that "the mosque includes a shrine to the Algerian researcher named" Abdul Rahman bin Bakr Algerian, "came from his own search for the site, which referred to the Quranic verse in Surat Al-Kahf", without explaining Meeqaat for coming to Yemen.
According to the values ​​of the mosque, the books held by historians from the region indicated that the "Algerian" under the tracks sunrise and sunset so make sure to him that the position in question (the bottom of the mosque) is where the real owners of the cave.
While she says historical novels "The Companions of the Cave" escaped him from the oppression of the Emperor "Dkienos "ruler of the kingdom," Ephesus, "the expert noted archaeological Yemen in Taiz," Izzi reformer "to that of Yemen," Abu al-Hassan al-Hamdani, "pointed out in his book" recipe Arabian Peninsula "to that of Ephesus is the" City of the soldiers "currently (21 km northeast of the city of Taiz ).
said "reformer", a former official in the Office of the effects in Taiz, told Anatolia: "We have historical roots in Yemen demonstrate that the mosque people of the cave due to the position of the people of the cave the fact, that our narrative were not coming out of the blue, was not to create them as invented Bldanarabiyh of in order to attract tourism. "
and added that "the mosque people of the cave, the empty windows and The rooms are rectangular, was soon a shrine to religious groups, especially Sufis, which reside trade fairs and special events."
revealed reformer that the Turkish commander, "Hussein bin Hassan Pasha" may Pavement the road to the "collector cave people" during his rule of Taiz in the year 1002 AH, corresponding to 1593 AD, pointing out that "negligence Pat wraps this archaeological site is rare, which is to be put in place to protect him, and the breather gardener," he says.
noteworthy that Yemen signed Under Ottoman rule from 1539 until 1911 e.
said Bilal-Tayeb, a journalist from the region where there is a mosque, told Anatolia "Currently the cave, buried, and no one can entry, but novels grandparents say that the chieftains mystical entered it, and they codified their testimony with him, and them famous Sufi Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (1077 - 1166m
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