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Patience .. tales about Mount stars                                    Mount Sber..gayat nearly Stars Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:12 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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»  جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
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 Patience .. tales about Mount stars Mount Sber..gayat nearly Stars

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

Patience .. tales about Mount stars                                    Mount Sber..gayat nearly Stars Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Patience .. tales about Mount stars Mount Sber..gayat nearly Stars   Patience .. tales about Mount stars                                    Mount Sber..gayat nearly Stars Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2014 6:49 am

Patience .. tales about Mount stars
Mount Sber..gayat nearly Stars

The dreamy remember what Taiz only mentions her side of the mountain, which he Taatkye it .. Mount Maadrak Majpl patience and patience! Mount embraces dreamy warmth and love for her how not to! Two Tnaúaan can not in any way be separated from one another .. visitor to Mount patience surprised at first glance since the rise across the road asphalt Model wonderful to Atnqs lighting large nor barriers and pillars traffic and adorned with greenery on both sides.
, and seems to the visitor that this road carpet black gold to Ataatsch Never - brush and very carefully to receive tourists, visitors and the greater the visitor up increased longing and eager to learn new and strange to uncover the secrets of this mountain as tall Alohm.
Thani mountains of Yemen
is a mountain of patience the second largest mountain in Yemen happy after Mount Prophet Shuaib It has a height of three thousand and seventy meters from the surface Sea is the mountain tourist site and historically significant and of temperature in summer 61 ° C in the temperature ranges in which winter between 1-9 degrees was mentioned by historians that the importance of the mountain in being a second-mountains of Yemen to Atkmen in height only, but also in the presence of historical and archaeological sites, which is characterized by them as it is the largest mountains of Yemen in terms of agricultural and crop production of various agricultural, but unfortunately the decline of its production of agricultural crops to replace the cultivation of khat, which dominated much of the terraces and valleys of agricultural in various aspects of Mount patience.
Munif Taiz and park Zayed
upon ascension to the Mount patience materialize in front of you actually argument launched by some on the Mount of patience in being Munif Taiz Despite smoother road asphalt furnished only to the greatness of the mountain and its height and the vision of the city - Taiz - down from an aesthetic makes you feel the fact that Mount Mneef Alachm or as they call it Munif Taiz.
when you climb to the mountain of patience and come, his successive notes the scattering of people groups and individuals on the slopes of the mountain, and one observes parks small to accommodate visitors and tourists and cafes mobile along the road leading to the top of Mount patience or «Munif Taiz».
, but Parks small except that the park huge named «Park Sheikh Zayed» relative to the Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan - President of the United Arab Emirates God's mercy.
Mount patience and three mechanisms
characteristic of the road asphalt furnished carpets - as we have said is the multiplicity of mechanisms or cornering or as they are called by some - Aleroan - and bends which converge between each other and on the occasion of mentioning the word mechanisms there is such a popular Old is still word-sons Mount patience where they say it: «Mount patience contorted three mechanisms .. mechanism Girls and Witten branches khat» This popular proverb demonstrates the importance of the branches of qat that he loves and is flirting with its occupants and consider the status of girls and maybe more than a little.
Mhagher and khat Sabri
and when it is one to dismount or break in one of the places on the slopes of Mount patience and meditation in the people of the mountain fascinated by these beautiful landscapes that adorned by women Abbria uniformed distinguished panel folkloric extreme beauty and more than this painting glamorous beautiful and smell so Alamishqr stained who piles it smells fragrant that compete with the most expensive and the most beautiful synthetic perfumes .. It is the beauty of nature.
but you can not that you enjoy the visit enjoy real unless chew qat Sabri, who notes Gsouna hanging right and left on the agricultural terraces.
King of the Mountain South
Furthermore, the importance of Mount patience being Mount patience Jeranatia of Tertiary rocks very rich Balmktvat all types and where Metal «halite» and Ores, in addition to the volcanic rocks including quartz and Almutzonat addition to those geographic importance it has great historical importance was stated to San Yemen «Hamdani» in his «character» as an impenetrable fortress, one of the mountains truss of Alamaafr and inhabited Alhawwahb and Alskask and the wells which King of the Mountain South.
, as described by «son of the adjacent» he Mount Rounded many good things, fruit, timber, where many villages and forts with four pathways: the stage and Birdad and Atdan and Juba.
cave people .. and archaeological sites are important
and Historical sources indicate that the most important monuments and tourist attractions in Directorate patience Moadm are: Mosque cave people associated with the name of the mosque incident people of the cave that contained in the Koran, and mot «son next door» in his «recipe country Yemen and the Hijaz» indicates that at the entrance of the mosque eye called the «eye Kawthar» is the subject Fadel visited annually in «the tenth day of the month of Rajab», the mosque is located in the village of «Zmaren Almakab» on the western side of the fort of the bride, was built high above the rocky calcareous stones painted Balqdad It is a rectangular building roof rests on wooden columns of wood carved decorations adorn the capitals, occupies the northern side of the mosque, a number of shrines and graves, and in the east there is a gap carved in the rock appear to relate Bsardab long leads to another slot, known as «slot cave» She is said to extend to the city Tabat located at the bottom of the mountain from the east side, of the mosque three entrances with contracts, and to the left of the inside of the door the southern no pond lined with stones and Alqdad.
- Mosque hair
is located in the eastern side of the village bar down the castle bride, was built by Sheikh «Ahmed Hussein bin Ibrahim» known as the owner of the hair, and stopped him a lot of money in the village bar.
- archaeological settlements in the area «bath Ali» There are archaeological settlements in the area «bath Ali» to the north of the road leading to the bathroom, which is a residential settlements quite similar to the stone ages, locations revealed by the Italian Archaeological Mission Research in the area of Khawlan Taial.
- rock tombs in the village of burner: Located in the northeast of the city of Taiz, about «15 kilometers» Track Directorate patience Moadm, return this site to the era of pre-Islam which confirms the archaeological evidence phenomenon him like the remnants of foundations and rifts pottery scattered on the surface, also found a citizens statue full, and the head of a statue of a substance marble, and the altar of limestone and to the south-east of the site burner on after «250 meters» almost found an archaeological site on the rocky hill rises about «1600 meters» above sea level, and which contained an old cemetery on a hill Jmlonah form begins to decline in the eastern side of the village burner, and call parents «roof ridge» carved tombs in the soles of the rock and take the circular shapes, and oval and rectangular and has external slots represent the entrances to her, and lead through corridors to the burial chambers, and the following is a description of the model of this: Graves:
- There the tomb of a slot Mnkorp in the rock rectangular dimensions «100 * 78 cm», carved elaborately lead aperture to passage followed passageway second leads to the burial chamber, a rectangular dimensions «550 * 196 cm» That is why the tomb two degrees from the inside has been carved in the rock goes down First class slot gate about «20 cm» and noted that the cemetery had been opened and there was no by any relics or organic sources of water mineral characterized by cold, in contrast to the rest of the other springs, where possesses a group of metallic materials and chemical elements rich in magnesium, sodium carbonates , and a high percentage of chloride, which helps to maximize the process of lactation and momentum urination making it contributes to descaling limestone.
Adding Multi visit Mount patience tourist importance of working to create a line of pneumatic «cableway» which starts at the Sofitel passing through the area HAWBAN up to the summit Mount the patience of the location of the bride and that would be a landmark tourist landmark in the province of Taiz .. and for us to meet the last dream you visit a tourist area or talk about tourist attractions abound in Taiz even Annsaha, it is an ancient smells of coffee, which was exported from the port of Mocha to various the regions and countries.
summit of the bride, in contact with the fog and the stars
and is located at the top of Mount patience aspiring Jebel bride or the top of the bride, the highest peak in the mountain patience, but in the province of Taiz, the entire landscape of this summit is a fantasy, even if it was originally a fact, however, the person getting the Almakt in summit bride person hugging fog and clouds during the day and seems to him that he is close to touching the twinkling stars at night .. less pain It is a fantasy?!
Alvrsk and pomegranate
Perhaps there are varieties of many agricultural characterized planted charming nature in Mount patience Donna from other areas of Yemen most important coffee-Sabri a taste outstanding addition to pomegranate Sabri and most importantly of all, reputation for the agricultural areas in Mount patience in the cultivation of Alvrsk.
tourism by all standards
in conclusion, I realize that we did not Nov Mount patience right from the description in this quick and we can not perfect description of the splendor of the visit and the beauty of tourism across the slopes Fine, but if he wants one of you dear readers actually to enjoy the beauty and splendor of the scenic Mount patience in Taiz province only has himself visit .. then find tourism by all standards.
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Patience .. tales about Mount stars Mount Sber..gayat nearly Stars
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