منتدى جبل صبر
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أهلآ بك زائرنا الكريم يشرفنا إنضمامك الينا .. لتترك معنا بصمتك ..فلا ترحل دون
ان نرى بريق اسمك معنا ..يحلق في سماء منتدى جبل صبر . تعز . اليمن
منتدى جبل صبر
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» جبل صبر ... عالم من السحر والغموض
 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:20 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 6:12 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 5:52 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2017 7:07 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالإثنين يناير 09, 2017 6:50 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالخميس فبراير 19, 2015 6:04 am من طرف ماريتا

»  جبل صبر.. ربيع الخضرة وسفينة الضباب
 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:47 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:44 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 4:40 pm من طرف محمد الصبري

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 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Empty
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مواضيع مماثلة


  Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms! MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد الصبري

محمد الصبري

عدد المساهمات : 80
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014
العمر : 36
الموقع : https://www.google.com/+JabelsaberBlogspotTaiz

 Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms! MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!     Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!                      MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!  Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 20, 2014 6:45 am

Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms!

Must someday and you are curious tourist've seen the stars and enjoyed Doiha magician .. but you will not reach it no matter how ventured into admiration .. the situation is different here and the exception for everywhere, in dreamy in Star City Everything dream you can close your eyes to see, in Taiz and nights charming overlooks you mount patience delicious and subject to express admiration, it is at night overlooking you like stars twinkling will not satisfy the desire but Besaudk next to these stars and after, and certainly everything is gonna be next to you, and if you become a new neighbor of the star. so are the words of a simple description of the mountain as tall patience .. patience is the highest mountain in the city of Taiz height of up to approximately 3000 meters above sea level .. patience which incubate the city of Taiz, a shelter of this lofty. administratively patience comprises three directorates are: patience Moadm and legislator and Hdnan and Almsrakh the latter behind the mountain. When you arrive Taiz as a tourist or as a visitor, you can not close your eyes without boarding the patience .. and when you decide to climb to the patience, you will begin to penetrate alleys and talk show city until reaching the first steps the road asphalt, which Atoshh the mountain as a contract of basil and jasmine on the neck and chest seductress with Alamishqr .. in the early Ascension will release your words spinning, to express their admiration of the city perceived by in front of your eyes, and that whenever went deeper in the ascent, they stand out babe more and more stand out features all. at the beginning of the mountain and in the windings first you can relax in the parks and small, which is a house for the people of the mountain has been converted to tourist places to sit and take comfort. If you decide to continue down surely you two things are important to Ttrat during ascent even enjoy all the details and make your camera in standby mode will not dispense thereafter for stock broke lens camera and settled in the memory. It is only minutes from the incursion in the belly of the mountain as if the period of ready for a scene most prominent then you are not required to link belts, but you are required to prepare for an interview Taiz fully solved and you are almost up to the first third of the mountain. Oh my God ... Thus is the beauty and the continued ascension until you reach the tourist attraction the most prominent in the mountain, a park Sheikh Zayed there You can put a little bit of trouble trip appetite to patience. in Park Sheikh Zayed look Taiz from which the scene is fully revisits the memories in front of your eyes city in full detail the large .. It seems the mountain in front of you filled with vitality and discoverable .. after Park Sheikh Zayed is still the mountain happy you've arrived and are still trip continuous infiltrate after all greenery that covers the mountain up to the top of it. hug hazy hot at the top of the bride's highest peak Mount patience there is an opportunity to embrace the fog and the clouds that pass between your hands while wiping fog you dust, but you will not be outside the circle of quivering from the cold and I'm not exempt from freezing. owners cave attractions in the mountain what is happening on the tongues of the tomb owners of the cave is located in the mountain, but between the ratification of the place actually between novels that both weighing in on the presence of the owners cave in several areas, each according to its interpretation is the presence of the mosque, which is believed to be a mosque people of the cave. first night there telling my people describe the mountain saying .. Mount patience contorted three mechanisms mechanism Girls and Witten branches khat there is something strikingly which is unique to women Abbria in its agriculture, which represents the mountain zoned agricultural distinction between wisdom and skill of women in the marketing of products Agricultural and vegetables and qat and others. in Mount patience Kmorot cultural in fashion and what distinguishes it is the women's dress Abbria unique and what its content of formations, but the most beautiful of all of this is the so-called Alamishqr .. which is a set of floral After that put women Almqurmh It is usually Without the Thamh put Alamishqr under Almqurmh Mudallah interface flowers in front of the one my «Introduction» the head but the spectacle is that children, including were expecting from patent and including Amthelnh smile mixed Balamishqr! Allitan second and third: Mount patience is a mountain agricultural lien of much cultivation of fruits and vegetables and also cultivation of roses, which receive popular in the mountain or in the marketing of the city. , but the months and mostly all of these plantings is Qat Sabri famous which is marketed in the city of Taiz, and is also sold in most parts of the mountain so it was a description of the poet accurate in describing the mechanisms of the mountain. souvenir photo: tour in patience will not leave them empty-handed, there are views of many .. deserve you to pick up a souvenir photo .. maintained by and is perhaps the alarm to return to the magnificent beauty of the city dreamy. returning at night: If your trip to Mount patience sequential Thus, the most beautiful to leave the mountain and on the way return to the embrace of the city to be at night then add a scene more than a wonderful city that glistened in front of your eyes and you approach them and the mountain away from you and climb and the stars grow brighter. tale with many details and beautiful climb to the mountain of patience may Achtsrtha you in three mechanisms, but I figured you would not leave her When you visit and discover where hundreds of dazzling mechanisms.
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Mount patience ... and the story of the three mechanisms! MOUNT PATIENCE ... AND THE STORY OF THE THREE MECHANISMS!
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